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“Traffic.” I toss the word out and make my way toward the auditorium.

He matches my steps, and I can practically feel the rage vibrating off him.

“Traffic? Are you fucking serious? This is New York City. Not some middle-of-nowhere hick town.”

I stop and turn to face him, looking down because he’s quite a bit shorter than me. I don’t say a word, but my gaze has him shrinking.

He dabs his face again. “Look, I’m sorry. This is stressful as hell. We have to catch this guy for Nora. I’ve been at the door since the first patron walked through. I kept David’s picture pulled up on my phone, but he’s not here. He hasn’t shown up.”

I furrow my brow. That’s impossible. There’s no way he’d miss the opportunity to see her.


We both turn to see who called Alex’s name as quietly as possible in the current volume level around us. From the other side of the room, trying not to be noticed, stands Derik. He’s dressed in costume for the performance.

Alex rushes towards him, and I follow behind closely.

“What is it? Why are you out here? It’s almost showtime!” Alex may blow a gasket at this rate.

“You think I don’t know that? We can’t find Em. Have you seen her?” Derik matches the shorter man’s fury.

“Did you check her dressing room?” Alex asks.

Derik doesn’t respond verbally, an incredulous expression covering his face as he stares at Alex like that’s the stupidest fucking question he’s ever heard.

“Right, right. Of course, you have. I’ll find her. You go get ready!” Alex says, shooing Derik away.

“I’ll check for Em. You stay here and watch for David. If you see him, text me.” I emphasize that last part because he’s a mess, and it’s so important. I quite clearly remember how terribly he handled things the last time he thought he saw Miller.

Alex nods. “Here, you’ll need this pass to get backstage and into the dressing rooms.”

I take the pass from him, and he turns to walk away.

“Alex, look at me.” He turns back, his gaze meeting mine as sweat still beads across his forehead. “Do. Not. Approach. Him. Text me.”

“SJ, I know. I got it. I won’t fuck this up.” He pauses, his brows furrowing with a mix of emotions I’m not quite sure I want to read. “Not this time. This is too important.”

He doesn’t wait another moment before turning away and heading to where he’d been watching at the front doors.

With my pass in hand, I head backstage. My doubt in Alex has faded since he admitted his feelings for Nora. I don’t like how he feels about her, but I don’t distrust him now. If he says he didn’t see David, I believe him. He’d never risk her like that. With how stressed he is, he would’ve blown my phone up if David had walked through those doors.

I flash my pass to the waiting security guard, and he barely glances at it before waving me through.

Fandamntastic… That’s definitely not a good fucking sign.

I make a mental note to tell Alex they need better security. Immediately.

I see Em’s name on the dressing room door. I’m only a few short feet away before it opens. Derik stands in front of me again. Alex told him to get ready, and he would look for Em.

He sighs. “Double checking one last time. I’ve checked everywhere I can think of. I don’t know where she would have gone.” He slips past me and heads for the stage.

A tingle runs up my spine. Something isn’t right here; my gut is screaming at me.

I’d ask security if he’s seen her, but after he let me through with barely a glance, I wouldn’t put much stock in what he has to say.

The dressing rooms are in a row, one beside the next. All the doors are open now except one.

