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A chill creeps up my spine with every step I take closer to the door with her name on it.

I grab the knob, but it’s locked. I pound on the door. “Em!” I yell her name and beat on it again. “Em, it’s SJ. Are you in there?”

I lean in close, trying to hear any signs of her…or anyone.

There are footsteps, but it isn’t just one set. I step back, placing my hand inside my jacket and on the grip of my gun. The door barely cracks open. Em is there, her face barely visible.

“Hey, SJ, where’s Nora?” Her voice is shaky. Very unlike her. Something is definitely wrong here.

I have to think fast. “She’s waiting for us outside, Em. Let’s go.”

I extend my hand, but she doesn’t budge. The door opens just another inch, and I can make out her face fully now. Her eyes are wide, and her cheeks are tear-stained.

I grab my gun with my right hand and use my left forearm to shove the door open, causing Em to stumble back. I hated to do it, but speed is of the essence, and she’ll heal a lot faster from a bruised ass than a bullet in her spine if Miller is armed as I suspect.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t hit the floor like I hope because she most certainly isn’t alone, and a hand is fisted tightly in her hair.

Now fully in the room, my gun raised and securely locked in both my hands, I’m face to face with David Miller. He’s every bit the crazed person I expected. His eyes are shadowed by dark circles. He probably hasn’t slept much or at all since Sutter Creek. Not to mention, he’s clearly been busy victimizing women…

One woman, at least.

Out of my peripheral, I see his signature bouquet of dead roses laying on the vanity table.

David has backed as far away from the door as possible, dragging Em with him into the far corner of the room.

“He has a gun!” she cries out.

Oh, I see it, but it isn’t pointing at me. It’s in his hand, pointing at Em while the other hand roughly yanks back on her hair. Had that not been the case, I would have shot the fucker by now.

“Drop it, David. This ends today.” My voice is curt, deep, and authoritative. There is zero room for negotiation, but it won’t matter. This won’t end without one of the two of us getting shot, and it sure as shit won’t be me.

“Bring. Me. My. Nora.” He ignores me completely and speaks each word as a demand, utter disdain in his voice matching the look glaring back at me.

He knows about us.

“Never,” I reply loud enough for everyone to hear.

The barrel of the gun that once lazily pointed at Em’s side now rests flush against her temple. I rock forward and then back, my nostrils flaring as I fight the growing need to put a bullet between his eyes. I’m a damn good shot, but I won’t risk any innocent life. Especially not one who is the love of my life’s best friend.

“Your problem is with me. I’m the one who has Nora. Em has nothing to do with this.”

Em sobs. “SJ, tell her I’m sorry.”

“Shut up!” Miller snaps as he jerks her hair.

She cries out, causing me to flinch with the desire to tackle this motherfucker to the ground. My emotions for Nora are getting to me even through Em. For her safety, I put out of my mind that she’s Nora’s best friend. Right now, she’s just another person I have no ties to but have to protect.

Like my girl, Em shows persistence, even through her tears. “I went outside, and he grabbed me and demanded I take him to Nora. I tried to tell him she wasn’t here, but he wouldn’t listen and threatened me with the gun!”

The entire time she speaks, her words rushing out of her fast enough I barely understand her, David mumbles to himself. Suddenly, he breaks out of his momentary lapse.

“Shutup, shutup, SHUTUP!” he screams at Em before facing me.

His face contorts into pure hatred, sweat beading on his forehead not unlike Alex’s earlier. He’s panicking, not that it wasn’t obvious already. His break from reality a moment ago shows just how stressed he is. This is even worse than I imagined. There may be no warning at all if he decides to pull that trigger. He’s wild and completely unpredictable.

“You have her? Then where is she?! Where is my Nora?!” He jerks Em’s head with every syllable he speaks.
