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Nora: Who is this?

My brows knit in confusion for a split second before another text message comes through. Then I realize she was just messing with me.

Nora: We need code words.

I laugh. Code words? Who is this woman?

Me: What would you suggest?

Nora: I don’t know yet. But I’ll come up with something.

Nora: I guess I need to answer this phone, huh?

Me: That would be helpful, yes.

Nora: Getting the ol’ pat down by the hotel, I see. Let me handle it.

I smirk as I slide my phone back in my pocket and wait for the clerk to finish talking to Nora. The clerk nods along to whatever Nora says.

“Absolutely. I’m sorry for the confusion… Yes, we’ll get it taken care of right away.” He clears his throat as he turns his eyes back on me. “Sorry about that, sir. Ms. Reyes confirmed the change. I have two rooms available on the second floor. We can have them ready within the hour.”

“That’s perfect. Thank you. One last thing. I still need to speak to your head of security.” I look down at my watch, hoping to hurry this along as quickly as possible.

“Of course, Mr. Johnson. I’ll have him come and speak to you.” The clerk picks up the phone again to make the call.

After a few seconds, he hangs up and gives me his best customer service smile again. “He’s on his way. Please let me know if there is anything else we can do for you and Ms. Reyes. Our customer’s safety and comfort are our top priority.”

I nod my thanks as I step off to the side and wait for security to arrive. I don’t need much from them, but I make it a point to brief security wherever a client stays. The briefing could be the difference between life or death.

It always pays off to have more people looking out.

“Adjoining doors?” Nora asks, feigning shock but fails at stifling her giggle.

I shrug. “Makes my life easier. I’ll be that much closer to annoy you incessantly with security questions and concerns.”

The sound of her laughter once again sends warmth spreading through my chest. I swallow hard, trying to push that feeling down. The last thing I need is any distractions, which is why I refuse to even spare the physiological reaction a second thought.

“From now on, I’ll handle hotel reservations. Neither you or Alex have to worry about that.” I grab her packed and ready suitcase before turning toward the door.

I’d texted Nora on my way up from talking to Mike, head of security, to let her know the rooms were ready. She was already packed when I knocked on her door.

“Okay, most of the time, the dance company handles bookings. Alex can give you the contact person for you to talk to them directly.”

I’m relieved to find she isn’t pushing back. She said she was on board, and it seemed we’d come to an understanding, but that doesn’t always mean anything.

I roll her suitcase and mine to the elevator, carefully checking the hallway as Nora walks slightly in front of me. I reach past her to push the down button, then step back so Nora is tucked safely in front of me, my large frame blocking her from view.

“Do you always do that? I mean, will I need to get used to you standing behind me like that?”

I look down at her petite frame, noting I’m less than a foot away from her back. I’ve been doing this for so many years it’s just a habit now. I don’t even think about it before my body shifts into position.

Long hallways can be dangerous because there’s nowhere to hide, and the culprit has the advantage with eyesight from a longer distance. I always use my size as a way to edge out any advantage the suspect may have. It’s just instinct at this point.

“I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. That isn’t my intention.” I feel bad, but I can’t really move either.

She shakes her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I was just curious. This is all so new to me.”

The elevator dings as the doors slide open. I shift once again so I’m ready for whoever may come off the elevator. Thankfully, it’s empty.
