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“You’ll get used to it. It’s weird at first, but before long, you’ll hardly notice,” I say, trying to ease her worries. I pull out my hotel keycard and scan it before pushing the button for the second floor.

“Guess I’m stuck with you for a while.” She offers a teasing smile.

A smile spreads across my face automatically in response.

Once the elevator door opens on the second floor, we stride down the hallway. Nora remains close by being slightly ahead and to the side of me. When I make it to her hotel room door, I use the electronic key to unlock it and then push it open. We step inside.

“Stay here by the door while I look around. Don’t open the door if anyone knocks,” I say.

She nods. “Aye, aye, captain.”

I chuckle before I turn to walk through the room to clear it. She’s quick-witted, and I like it. Probably more than I should.

Once satisfied the room is secure, I head back to Nora and roll her suitcase over to the bedside as she follows me further inside.

“I’ll let you get settled in. If you need me, I’ll be right on the other side of that door.” I motion toward the door that joins our two rooms.

“I have practice tomorrow. I’ll need to continue practicing.” Her tone and her words don’t match. Her words leave no room for argument, but her tone is kind.

“That won’t be an issue. I’ll speak with Alex to get the details and make sure all the bases are covered. I’ll make sure you’ll be safe.” I’ve told her that my being here won’t interfere with her everyday life, but I know this is new and strange for her. I’ll reassure her as often as I need to.

She lets loose a relieved sigh. “Okay, good. The show must go on.” She says that last bit with a slight grin.

I chuckle at her cliché remark. “I’m going to get unpacked.” I unlock the adjoining door and walk into my room, allowing the door to close behind me. I don’t lock it in case I need to get in there quickly or vice versa.

Once the door closes behind me, I pull my phone from my pocket. I send Alex a quick text to ask for Nora’s practice schedule and any other obligations she has in the coming days.

I put my phone away and lift my suitcase onto the foot of the bed so I can unpack my things. It’ll be a short stay here, so I didn’t pack too much. In my line of work, you learn to pack light and be prepared to leave things behind if necessary.

I finish putting the last of my things away and check my phone to see if Alex has responded. I have a text from him with a screenshot of Nora’s schedule. It looks like she has practice every day for the next three days, one day off, and then a show.

I take a seat at the small table by the window. Pulling out my laptop, I look up the location of her practices and then of the show. I take note of each and spend time looking at the locations on a map. I want to know what’s around each location and how many exits there are to eliminate the possibility of surprises.

With that done, I check the time. I close my laptop and walk over to the adjoining room door. It’s quiet in Nora’s room. I send her a quick text to let her know my plans to take a shower and settle in for the night in case she needs anything.

I flip the light on in the hotel bathroom. It’s minimally decorated with lots of white tile and stainless finishes. Not the nicest place I’ve stayed, but definitely not the worst. I turn the faucet on and allow the water to get warm while I undress.

I step into the shower, and despite how nice the hot water feels, I don’t waste any time. I grab the hotel soap and scrub it over my body quickly as I make a mental note to get some bodywash at some point. For now, this will have to do.

I twist the faucet knob to turn off the water. I look down and realize I didn’t put a bathmat on the floor. Cold tile on bare feet it is then. I grab the towel off the rack and dry myself before stepping out.

The knock on the bathroom door makes me jump, and I pivot towards the knock. I nearly slip because my feet aren’t completely dry yet, but I catch myself on the counter with my hand.

“Nora?” I say more forcefully than I mean to.

She snickers. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m going to order room service. Do you want something?”

I try to hide the embarrassment in my voice. “Sure. Uh, just a steak or a burger. Anything is fine, really.”

I hear another chuckle. “Okay, I’ll order it now.”

“Alright, sounds good,” I reply through the door, still holding the countertop.

I hear her feet pad away from the door. Some bodyguard I am, almost falling down butt-ass naked at the sound of a knock on the door. I roll my eyes at myself and wrap the towel around my waist, as much as I can, anyway. I don’t know why hotels put these tiny ass towels in here. One size fits most, I guess.

I open the bathroom door and make my way over to the dresser where I put my clothes away earlier. After picking out comfortable lounge clothes, I dress quickly and head over to the adjoining door. I knock and wait for her to answer.

“It’s open,” she says.

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