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I release a little sigh when the door clicks closed behind SJ. We finished our meals and decided to call it a night. It’s been an emotionally draining day, and I need time to just be. I don’t want to think about the stalker, or performing, or anything else related to my predicament for tonight.

It’s not late, but I don’t care. I feel like I’ve run a marathon today. I change into pajamas and settle in under the covers of the hotel room bed. I sigh with disappointment at the feel of the sheets. A little scratchy, and a lot not like home.

I turn the TV on and leave it on the first channel that comes up. A group of grown women with too much time and money are arguing with each other on the show. I lower the volume since I can’t really absorb what’s going on anyway. My eyes sort of stare into the abyss while my ears catch words here and there.

Before long, my eyelids become too heavy to keep open, and they close. It doesn’t feel like long before I drift off to sleep.

“Princess Nora, wake up, sweetheart.” An unfamiliar voice wakes me.

My eyes flutter open, and my heart immediately jolts into a gallop. My breath comes in short, quick pants as panic sets in. I’m in a dark room, sitting on a chair. A strange smell I can’t place lingers in the air.

Is that an incense?

Only a small beam of light peeks through the curtain that’s not completely closed -moonlight, I assume.

How the fuck did I get here? Where the fuck am I?

A person is standing a few feet from me, but I can’t make out their face.

“There, there; don’t be afraid. I told you I would come for you.”

It only takes my brain a few seconds to process what he just said.

My breath catches as I realize who this is and what’s happening. I try to scream, but he hurries over to cover my mouth with his hand.

“Shhh, don’t scream. Only I can hear you, anyway.” He chuckles like my actions are cute or silly before he releases his hand from my mouth and turns to pace the small, dark room.

I’m unbound, so I stand, determined not to give in. I plan to fight, but I have to be careful since I have no idea what this man is capable of. I move quickly and quietly, approaching from behind. As I ball my hand into a fist, the distinct sound of a magazine clicking into a gun echoes through my ears as if he’d shot it instead.

He spins quickly to face me. I gasp and stumble back, landing harshly on my ass. I continue to scoot away from my captor as fear eats at my chest.

I only stop when my back hits the wall. I slowly stand from the floor. I don’t want to be at any more of a disadvantage than I already am with this deranged psychopath.

“Oh, please don’t fear me, Nora. I would never hurt you.” He holds up the gun so it glares in the thin sliver of light. “This isn’t for you, sweetheart. This is for anyone who might try to take you away from me. I know you’d never want to leave, so I need to protect you from them. Don’t worry. They’ll never take you.”

Dear God…

Glancing around the room, I try to find a way out. I can barely see anything, and that makes my anxiety rise. Planning an escape seems that much more impossible. Squinting, I can barely see the outline of a door behind him. It’s a darker color, obscuring it mostly in the dim lighting.

I have to try.

I dart to the left and make a run for the door. Rough hands snatch me up from behind as he tries to drag me back against him.

Again, I scream. “Help! Somebody, help me!”

I fight against him, thrashing around wildly as I try to find purchase on anything nearby that could help me. My hands only find air, and his arms band that much tighter around me.

He grunts as he struggles to restrain my flailing form. “Why are you trying to get away from me? I’ve worked so hard to get you here!” His voice is strained as he tries to wrangle control. His grunts mix with mine as we both fight for control…

“Nora! Nora!” A booming voice drags me from the fight.

I scream and lurch upright in bed, taking the blanket with me. My breaths come hard and fast.

“It’s okay. You’re okay. It’s a nightmare. It was just a nightmare.” SJ’s deep voice breaks through the darkness threatening to engulf me to ground me.

I’m safe, I’m safe.
