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I blink, taking in the generic hotel room. My eyes rush around the room, searching for the man in the dark, but he isn’t here. It was just a dream.

Tears immediately fill my eyes before spilling onto my cheeks. “He had me. He took me somewhere dark, and I couldn’t get away.” My voice shakes as I relive the fear.

SJ places his large hand over mine that now rests on my lap. “It’s been a long day, and we’ve talked about him a lot. Your mind is running away with the details. You’re safe,” he reassures me.

For whatever reason, his words bring me a little sense of safety. My heart rate declines, and my breathing becomes less choppy. I slide back down in the bed, settling back under my covers. My pajamas are wet from sweat, and I’m unsure I’ll be able to fall back asleep.

I glance at the clock and see it’s just past three in the morning. I have to be up in only a few hours to get ready for practice. I look over at SJ and find him studying me. I’m sure he thinks I’m a nutcase. Maybe I am. All I know is I don’t want to be alone right now.

SJ rises from the bed after patting me gently on my arm, then walks toward the adjoining door. Fear immediately jolts through me, forcing me to sit up quickly once again.

“SJ, will you stay until fall asleep, please?” I feel like an absolute baby for even asking, but the truth is, I’m scared.

He turns to face me, and I think I see a small smile trying to curve his lips, but it never fully materializes. He walks toward me, but he passes the bed before quietly sliding a chair from under the table across the carpeted floor.

As he takes a seat, he says, “I’ll be right here,” in the most calming, reassuring tone. He stretches his long legs out in front of himself and crosses them at the ankles. His hands rest on his lap. “Goodnight, Nora.”

Still feeling a little embarrassed, I murmur a quiet “goodnight” and slide back down on the bed, pulling the blankets up to my chin.

I open my eyes and see the light barely peeking around the hotel curtains to let me know it’s morning. I slept the rest of the night with no nightmares. Looking around, my brain registers that SJ isn’t at the table by the window. I sit up, taking a moment to stretch and notice the adjoining door is propped open.

“SJ?” I say softly, unsure if he’s awake yet.

Within seconds, he comes through the door, already dressed for the day. I can’t imagine he’s slept at all. Guilt instantly sets in at that thought. Saving me from nightmares isn’t part of his job description.

“Good morning,” I start. “I’m sorry about last night, I shouldn’t have asked you—”

His hand raises to halt my sentence. “No need for apologies. That’s not my first and likely not my last night dozing in a chair.” Before I can protest, he checks his watch. “Practice starts in just under an hour. We should get moving.”

With a smile, I give him a two-finger salute. “Yes, sir.”

His loud, deep laughter makes my smile grow as he turns to walk back into his room. I think SJ and I will get along just fine. Until the stalker is caught, of course. Then he’ll be on to his next assignment, and I’ll be able to live without looking over my shoulder again.

For some reason, that’s a bittersweet thought.

Pushing those thoughts and feelings aside, I toss the blanket back and get out of bed. I stretch my arms over my head and notice just how stiff my joints feel after a night of running from my nightmare. I pull the soft blue cotton shirt away from my chest. It’s still sticky from perspiration.

Ugh, this is going to be a long day.

I have to shower ASAP, get dressed, have breakfast, and damn sure not be late for practice. I walk over to the dresser to find something to wear, then quickly make my way to the bathroom.

I only stop when I realize the adjoining door is still open. I still feel off from the dream and having SJ close calms that panic. However, I also don’t want the door open while I shower. Indecision wars in my body before I stop myself from going down a rabbit hole of anxiety. I run over to the adjoining door and close it softly, deciding to leave it unlocked.

There, compromise.

Chapter 8


Red Rover , red rover, send SJ on over? Haha, no that isn’t it. It’s too cheesy. Foxtrot? Mayday? Code Red! Those are all too obvious. Damn, why is this so hard?

I was half joking when I told SJ we needed a code word, but that hasn’t stopped me from tossing around every other word I can think of.

Parakeet! Ohh, that might be the one. I mouth it, then I test it out.


