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Barely peeling myself away from the wall, I pull out my phone and take several pictures of them. I hope at least one of them is clear enough to use to identify him because I can’t risk getting any closer to get better images.

I lean back against the wall again. I can’t check the pictures now because of the risk for them to potentially see my movement.

A car pulls up in front of Nora and the mystery man. He opens her door for her and allows her inside before he closes it and rounds the car. He takes the keys from the valet and climbs into the driver’s seat. As they pull away from the curb, I tuck her bouquet of roses behind me and look down at the ground to shield my face from their view.

Once they’re a safe distance away, I look up again and pull the flowers from behind me. I take a moment to look them over, making sure I didn’t lose too many petals in my haste to hide them. They still look presentable. I check the ribbon and adjust the bow so it’s just right.

I called the hotel earlier and pretended to be a cast member needing to deliver Nora’s new costume to her. The front desk clerk was quick to give me her room number. What an idiot. However, his mistake was great for me. Now I can go straight to her room with these roses.

I casually stroll through the front door of the hotel, roses in hand. I walk past the front desk, careful to keep my head down so my hat will hide my face. I head straight for the door that leads to the stairs. I need a keycard for the elevator, and I don’t have that.

This is the part of my plan that isn’t ironed out. I’m counting on the stairwell not needing a keycard to access it. If it does, I’ll have to think of something else quickly.

Maybe I can catch a ride with someone staying at the hotel in the elevator?

My worries float away as I reach the stairwell and push on the door. It opens and I dart through, but before it shuts, I hear someone behind me.

“Sir, excuse me, sir!” a voice calls as the door slams closed.

I quicken my pace, wasting no time as I hurry up the stairs. I take them two at a time because I worry if I get caught my mission of delivering Nora’s flowers will be ruined.

I’m out of breath when I step out into the long hallway. There’s no need for me to look for directional plaques on the wall to guide my way. I looked up the hotel blueprints after I called earlier. Without missing a beat, I walk straight to her door and gently place the beautifully dried roses on the floor.

I wish I could be here to see Nora’s face when she finds my gift, but I have no time to waste. I’m sure that pesky desk clerk is headed this way now. I stride toward the stairwell door, open it, and slip into the stairwell just as I hear the elevator doors open. I hold on to the stairwell door as it closes, ensuring it latches silently.

I pad down the stairs, taking them two at a time again. After another flight, I open the door and step into the hallway, immediately turning left. I keep my head down. I know this path, although I’ve never walked it before. I studied the blueprint for hours so I would know each turn by heart to ensure I could execute my plan perfectly.

One, two, three doors. I open door number three and walk through the kitchen, ignoring the protests of the staff. One last door, and I’m out in the alley behind the hotel. I make a right and hurry to the street, throwing up my hand to hail the cab coming toward me.

The driver slows to a stop, and I jump in without hesitation. As soon as the door shuts, I shout at the driver. “Go!” The cab’s tires screech as we pull off.

My mind is reeling. I’ve never been so close to where she sleeps before. My adrenaline is pumping due to almost getting caught. I wish I could’ve gotten a duplicate room key. It would have been so wonderful to sit where she’s sat. Lie where she’s lain.

Not this time, but maybe the next.

I’m proud I kept my focus on the task at hand. However, now that I’ve accomplished that goal, my mind is immediately back to the mystery man with his hand on my Nora’s back.

When the cab stops in front of my building, I toss some cash to the cabbie and hop out.

“Thanks for the tip, asshole!” he yells as I slam the door closed.

No, I didn’t tip. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure I had enough for the fare, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

I jog upstairs and unlock the door to my apartment. Angel’s meow sounds through the thick wood. I shoo her back when I enter so I can close it behind me.

“Hello, my sweet Angel.” I lean over and scoop her up before taking my hat off to rest my forehead against hers. She purrs, letting me know she’s glad I’m home. I set her down and give her a pat on the head.

I walk into my bedroom and toss my hat on my bed. I pull my phone out of my pocket, sit at my desk, and start going through the pictures I took of Nora and the mystery man on the curb. He’s a dark-skinned man with a large build, a bald head, and a beard.

“Who doesn’t keep his hands to himself,” I mutter with disgust.

Chapter 11


My steps slow when I spot the dark bundle in front of Nora’s hotel room door. Instinct compels me to guide her behind me as I check each direction down the empty hallway. We’re still thirty feet from her door, but I have a sinking feeling I already know what’s awaiting us.

As one part of my brain processes the threat this is, the other is regretting the fact that it will obviously—and for good reason—taint our night. The jokes, laughs, stories, and momentary freedom from duties and dangers…all ruined.
