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He huffs. “Well, he was there!”

“That may be the case, Alex, but he isn’t now.”

I holster my gun and move to exit the bathroom. I need to get back to Nora. Something about this whole thing doesn’t sit right. I never saw a figure in the aisle, nor did I see anyone run toward the bathroom. Still, Alex was so damn adamant that I believed he did.

Now, I’m not so sure what he saw.

He grabs my arm as I pass him, halting me in my steps. I glance down at his fingers still clutching me and raise my eyebrow. He gets the message and quickly releases me.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

I don’t, but I’m sure as hell not telling him that. I don’t have any proof that he didn’t see someone, and I won’t waste any more time getting back to Nora.

“I need to get back.”

“Yeah, yeah. Go. We can talk later.”

I drop my chin down and make my way to the door. I don’t know what Alex’s game is, but I sure as hell plan to find out.

Chapter 13


Ahhh , that was probably the best show of this run in Chicago. Derik and I were in sync the whole night, even our breathing lined up. There’s always room for improvement, but I feel so damn good about our performance. Everyone did wonderfully.

I’m relieved I didn’t listen to Alex and performed tonight. I would have missed this, and nothing is worth missing out on this feeling.

I can’t describe it as anything less than all-consuming.

I step off into the shadows that surround the edge of the stage. The crowd’s cheers still roar behind us as I step into Derik’s waiting arms.

“You were absolutely stunning,” he whispers into my ear.

“Thank you. You too. You nailed everything so perfectly! Thank you for being such a wonderful partner.” My smile is so wide it feels like my cheeks may split.

“Ah, babe. You make it easy.” He laughs as he releases me then turns me to tuck my shoulder under his arm.

We make our way offstage and into the hallways leading to our dressing rooms.

Derik laughs about how his foot almost slipped when we went into our angel lift. I saw his face contort right before I ran toward him, but he must have adjusted just in time because I didn’t notice anything off.

“Well, I never would have known. Tonight was so freaking epic!” We’re so pumped that we don’t want the night to end. “You want to go out and celebrate tonight?” I ask before I can talk myself out of it.

We deserve this.

I deserve this.

“Yes! Of course, girl! I thought you’d never ask! You haven’t gone out with us in forever!”

Derik’s excitement makes me feel terrible for neglecting my friends. It’s been easier to stay in. I didn’t have to worry if that psycho was following me. If I would come around a corner and he would be there. I didn’t want to have to explain my weird jumpy behavior to my friends.

So, I stayed in.

When SJ came, I went out with him. I wanted to, of course. I mean, he’s frickin gorgeous. But things are also easier with him. I don’t have to think or worry as much.

I need to find him and ask if it’s alright that we go out with my friends tonight. I hope it doesn’t cause too many issues. He said something about needing to track down the hotel staff and question them. He needed to find out if they saw anything two nights ago. With us leaving tomorrow, that may throw a wrench into my plans to go out.

I reach for my ring but stop before I can touch my finger. I don’t wear it during performances because the directors don’t want any jewelry catching in the lights and distracting the audience.

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