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I look around where SJ normally stands during my performance, but I don’t see him. Hmmm, where is he? That’s not like him.

Nerves flare in my belly. Did something happen? Why wouldn’t he be here if something didn’t happen? I’m not proud that I panic. If something happened to SJ because I danced tonight, I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself.

I leave Derik and race down the hallway, thinking he might be in my dressing room. Though that doesn’t make sense. Ugh. I’m not thinking clearly. He’s supposed to be here, dammit!

“Nora! Wait! What’s wrong?”

I ignore Derik’s calls as I continue down the hallway, pushing through the crowd as fast as I can.

I hear my name again, but it takes me a few moments to register the voice. “Nora! Stop! Nora!” SJ’s booming voice finally penetrates my racing mind, and I stop, turning just in time for SJ’s large body to collide with mine.

I gasp as I lose my balance, falling back from the impact. SJ’s arms snake around to grab me by my hips and yank me toward him. My hands dart up to brace myself on the hard muscles of his chest.

Oof, my hands cling to his chest for support, and I catch myself leaning into him. We stay like that for one beat, then two. His heavy breathing mingles with mine, and I can feel his heart racing underneath my palm.

Derik’s concerned voice penetrates my racing thoughts, and I take in the position SJ and I are in. I’m cradled in his arms, and my hands are still clinging to his chest. I suddenly jerk back and straighten, my hands running down my skirt to press out the nonexistent wrinkles.

“Are you okay? Did you see him, too?” SJ asks in a rush. His normally calm demeanor is gone. His eyes flicker up and down the hallway as he pulls me closer to him.

Now I’m confused. Did I see who?

“What are you talking about? Where were you?”

His eyes stop searching the hallway briefly to seek mine out. He must read the utter confusion on my face, but his next question only heightens my anxiety. I knew there was a reason he wasn’t where he was supposed to be.

“If you didn’t see him, why were you running?”

I don’t answer his question, instead asking one of my own. “Are you saying he’s here? Where?!”

SJ gently pulls me toward him as he quickly turns and heads for my dressing room. It’s only a few doors down from where I halted in the hallway, but it feels like it’s miles away. My heart pounds in my chest, and I look behind me again and again as SJ shuffles me toward my door.

“How the hell did he get in here?” I mumble to myself, not expecting an answer.

Derik is still standing in the hallway, his hands on his hips as he watches us walk away. “I’ll call you in a bit!” I say quickly, trying to ease his worry.

SJ doesn’t even look back as he continues to push us forward to my dressing room.

“I don’t think he actually got in here. Come on, cupcake, let’s get to your room before we talk.”


That’s all my brain can focus on as we make our way into my empty dressing room. Why do I like it so much when he calls me that? SJ enters first, clearing the room. I stand just in the doorway where he can still see me before he gives me the nod to fully enter.

Before I can speak, the door flings open, smashing against the wall. SJ rushes forward, shoving me behind him to conceal me.

What in the actual hell is going on here!

Urgh! I push back against SJ as he barks out at the intruder. “Alex! You cannot just burst in like that! I could have shot you!”

I finally notice SJ has his gun pulled, and it’s pointed at the floor.

Alex is standing in the doorway with a sheepish look on his face, his hands raised in surrender. He also has a possibly broken, definitely bloody nose. I rush forward, darting around SJ to check on my friend. He brushes me off before I can check to see if it’s really broken or not.

“What the hell happened to your face?”

“I’m sorry, SJ…”

Both men seem to be in some kind of standoff, and I don’t know why. The room is tense. SJ’s back is ramrod straight, and he still hasn’t holstered his gun. Alex is flustered and nervous. Something must have happened during the show tonight, and one of them better start explaining.
