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She wants to play, but I won’t take the bait. “Let’s just get this over with, cupcake.” I need to avoid the proverbial land mine. I’m not about to admit I’m jealous of an imaginary man who may or may not put his hands on her tonight. That would be crazy.

If any of these jokers try, though, they’re a dead man walking. That’s all I know.

The music thrums through the club at a steady and unrelenting pace. It’s dark and crowded. Two of my least favorite things when I’m working. It makes it that much harder to see danger coming.

We’re tucked into one of the back corners of the club. It had the best vantage point to see the main dance floor and bar. Nora sits on a high-top bar stool with Emily and some of her other friends. Every time I look over, the first thing my eye catches is how damn happy she is being out with her friends.

The second thing my traitorous eyes look at? Her lean thighs on full display. It seems like the thin, barely-there fabric of her dress is shifting up her toned thigh inch by painful inch.

I run my hand over my face. Luckily, we’ve mostly stayed at the table tonight, only making the occasional run to the bar and a few dances here and there. I’m fucking thankful for it.

I’m exhausted from running down any leads I could find at the hotel before and after Nora’s show earlier tonight. On top of that, I had to do all the legwork to make sure this place was secure enough. It’s been a long ass day.

Nora looks over just as I’m thinking about how good my hotel bed sounds tonight. Her eyebrows lift as she beckons me to her. I don’t hesitate. I lean in so I can hear her over the electric beat playing through the speakers.

“Everyone is asking who you are,” her soft voice whispers in my ear.

“What did you tell them?”

I’m curious to hear her answer. She only told Alex and Emily who I really am. Knowing how she wants to keep everything quiet, I doubt she told anyone the truth.

She turns towards me, her thighs meeting mine as I lean further down. We’re so close I feel every breath she takes. Her lips graze my cheek as she answers my question.

“I told them you were my long-lost brother.”

I chuckle at how ridiculous that sounds. I’m far from her brother. The downright sinful thoughts I have about her tell me so.

“Did they believe you?”

She shakes her head with a playful giggle. “Nah, they said you were too pretty to be my brother.”

I take a step back so I can see her face, and it’s alight with mischief. I lean down so my lips are only centimeters from hers. There’s something about the cover of darkness. The pulsing music stirs something forbidden in my blood as I toy with the line I shouldn’t cross.

“Well, I think you’re too pretty to be my sister.”

She leans her head back, and the lights in the club catch her eyes, the gold specks in them glowing. Without even trying, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

“Then, it’s a good thing I’m not.” Her whisper turns husky as she licks her lips.

My eyes trail over the movement with rapturous fascination. They’re plump, with the bottom just a bit bigger than the top, and the perfect natural shade of pink.

She has on the barest of makeup tonight, and I love it. On show nights, she does stage makeup, which is a shit ton more than she has on tonight. Don’t get me wrong, she’s beautiful either way, but I prefer her this way.

It’s natural, and it’s all Nora.

“Wanna dance with me? Show them you aren’t my bother?” Her tone is playful and light, but her eyes are heavy with the shots she just downed. Nora and her friends have had a steady flow of alcohol tonight. She isn’t drunk, but she isn’t sober either.

I’ve sat back and listened to their conversation. Only nodding along or joking back when needed. Mostly, I’ve stood near the edge of the dance floor, watching. I have a beer in my hand that I’ve pretended to sip on all night while looking relaxed. Maybe also a little aloof, but I’m not worried about that.

I’m here to do a job. One I take seriously.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, cupcake.”

She pouts. Actually pouts at my answer. “Why not? You don’t want to?”

Fuck me.

Now I feel bad because she genuinely looks sad. I lean forward again, gently reaching out and tilting her chin up. “It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I don’t think it’s a smart idea.”
