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“Who said I wanted to be smart tonight?”

Another chuckle sweeps past my lips as I groan. “You’re killing me, you know that?”

I take her hand and pull her to me. Before I can change my mind, I turn and hurry toward the dance floor. Her hand is still firmly tucked into mine.

I pull us to a secluded spot near an exit and a place where I have the clearest view of the club. It isn’t ideal because no place here is all that clear, but when I once again start to think this wasn’t the best idea, I look down and find her watching me.

What stops me in my tracks is the look on her face. It’s happiness and excitement all wrapped up in an insanely gorgeous Nora-sized bow. She reaches out and places her hands around my waist, and delicately rests them on my lower back.

Her touch brings warmth, and I immediately relax. It feels like her hands were meant to be there.

She’s so much smaller than me, so she tucks perfectly into my arms as I pull her into me. We sway to the beat of the music, both of us caught up in the moment. Her hips slide and move effortlessly to the pulsing beat of the club’s music. One song turns into two and then another.

My hands find her hips and stay there. I’m not the best dancer, and I’m man enough to admit that Nora’s talent intimidates me. Even here, when she’s not even trying, her body is perfectly in sync with the ever-changing beat. And mine is not.

She’s too damn sexy to concentrate on moving my feet into a recognizable pattern. I’m not a bad dancer per se, but anyone looking at me tonight would think I didn’t have a rhythmic bone in my whole damn body.

She tries to help me by sliding her hands down my back and onto my hips, but that only makes it worse. So much worse because now my cock is paying too much attention.

I try to relax, attempting to command the bulge in my pants to calm the fuck down, but nothing I do seems to help. Her hips are tantalizing with every sway. Her thighs press against me as she tries to move me along with her.

Her scent, her sweet voice, and her absolutely perfect body are too much to bear, so I finally pull away. I need a distraction. I gently take her hand and pull her off the dance floor toward the back table her friends still occupy.

Before we get there, I lean down so she can hear me. “You ready to go, cupcake?”

She sighs as she leans into me, going up on her tiptoes so her mouth is as close to my ear as she can get with our height difference.

“Yeah, I think so. I’m tired, and I know you are too.”

That’s all I need to hear before I direct us to her table so she can say her goodbyes.

We reach the table, and I take a step back, giving her the space she needs. I hope I don’t appear rude, but I can’t think straight here. It’s too crowded and loud. Plus, the uncomfortable situation going on in my pants doesn’t help matters.

She makes her rounds to say goodbye. Emily pulls her in for a tight hug, whispering something in Nora’s ear that makes her blush so hard that her entire face is flushed. I wonder what that’s about.

I don’t have to wonder for long when Nora’s wide and bashful eyes dart up to meet mine. I piece together that whatever it was must have been about me.

Her brother my ass.

It’s just a few more minutes before Nora is back at my side and ready to go. I give a small wave and a couple of handshakes to the guys I exchanged a few words with before we head out into the dark, chilly night.

As soon as we hit the parking lot, Nora shivers. The temperature dropped significantly while we were in there, and she must be cold since that black dress doesn’t do much to cover her.

I don’t have a jacket, so I do the next best thing. I pull her to my side, hoping my body heat will help warm her a bit before we reach the car.

If she thinks the gesture is weird, she doesn’t show it. She burrows in even closer, leaning more of her weight into me. It’s only a few more feet to the car, but I’m so distracted by scanning the parking lot that I almost miss her admission.

“They didn’t really think you were my brother.”

My eyes stop scanning and land on hers. Her chin is tilted up, and she has the most serene look on her face.

“Hmmm, I didn’t think they did, cupcake. Are you going to tell me what you really told them? You know, so we can keep our story straight.” I open her car door and help her slide onto the buttery soft leather.

“Hmmm, maybe.”

Her head falls back onto the headrest. The shots and fatigue from such a long day are hitting her now. I reach in and pull the seatbelt across her chest, clicking it into place. She sighs again as my fingers skirt across her bare thighs as I pull my hand back.

She suddenly grabs it, stopping me from standing. “Thank you for tonight. I know how tired you are and that this was the last thing you wanted to do. I appreciate it more than you know.”
