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A long bar spans the entire width of the restaurant, with high top tables scattered about and booths lining the walls.

Liam likes to pick the table, so I usually park it at the bar until everyone else shows up. I glance at my watch, thinking they should be here any time now.

“SJ!” A large palm slaps my shoulder as Donovan comes up from behind me.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me in quickly for a side hug before releasing me just as fast.

“What’s up man?” I ask as I swing my large body toward him.

He slides onto a stool beside me and raises his hand to flag down the bartender. “I just got back from Wyoming, but I have to head back out tomorrow to tie up some loose ends with the case.”

I nod. He’s been assigned to this single case for longer than normal. It’s been complicated and messy, two things none of us like to get wrangled into, but that’s the roll of the dice with our professions. Like me, Donovan does more security than investigating. Colin and Liam are our resident investigators.

“Good to hear it’s almost done. I heard this one has been a doozy.”

He barks out a laugh. “You could fucking say that. I’m ready to wrap this one up in a shiny little bow.”

Donovan is my age, single, and dedicated to his work like the rest of us. We don’t really have lives outside of our job. It’s pathetic if you think about it, but it’s always been that way. We’re a team that thrives on high-stress cases that require more expertise and planning. It’s just what we do, and we do it damn well.

“You still waiting for an assignment?” he asks.

I grab my glass of water. I’m not a big drinker, but the guys always like to meet here when we’re all in town. Which isn’t as often as it used to be.

I take a sip, then huff. “Yeah, unfortunately. Sounds like Liam might have something for me, though. I hope I can leave tomorrow.”

My spirits pick up at the thought just as Donovan responds. “That’s good, man. I’m sure you’re going stir crazy.”

Donovan and I are the most alike out of our little tightknit group. Maybe it’s because we’re the same age, or it could be because we practically grew up together. Colin is younger than us, and Liam is older and the boss. We’re all close, but Donovan and I have always clicked most.

He’s my brother in all the ways that matter. We started in this business around the same time, and we both came to work for Liam around the same time. He’s the man who has my back when shit goes down, and I have his. His past is darker than mine and the reason he came to Dunn is different, but those things have only strengthened his character. He’s a damn good guy.

“What’s up, brothers?!” Colin shouts as he approaches from the right.

Donovan and I both turn to greet him, and the fist bumps and side hugs commence. He pulls back and glances around, likely looking for Liam.

“Boss man isn’t here yet?” he asks, confirming my suspicion.

“Nope.” I pull out my phone to call him.

It isn’t like Liam to be late, but he might have gotten caught up with work or checking in with Willow. He mentioned one of her kids were sick and he always makes a point to make sure she’s good before calling it a day.

Before I can dial his number, he strolls into the bar like he owns it. That’s Liam for you. He never lacks swagger and confidence, and it’s kept us all well paid over the years. Liam is the face of the company, the bullshitter and the guy who brings in the clients.

He tilts his head toward a booth in the back. The three of us nod in understanding as we rise from the barstools and head his way. Liam stands and waits for us to reach the table. He takes the time to shake everyone’s hand as he pulls each of us in for a hard slap on the back before releasing us and taking a seat first. We all follow suit.

Donovan and I sit on the opposite side from Liam and Colin. Damn, it’s been too long since we’ve all hung out. Over the years, Dunn Security Group has grown busier, and the jobs more dangerous and demanding. It requires us to be gone for longer periods of time. With the influx of clients, the three of us usually have jobs at the same time.

“Dinner's on me, boys,” Liam says to a chorus of “hell yeah” and “appreciate it, boss.”

A pretty young waitress comes over to take our orders. Colin has a wide, easy-going smile on his face. He’s the wholesome-looking motherfucker out of all of us. Donovan has a darker vibe because he’s quiet and serious. I laugh a little when I remember what Addy, my past client, said her sister called him. Mr. Dark Eyes. Ha! He can be intense for sure, but he’s about as good as they come.

“Hey, fellas. What can I get you all to drink?”

I hold up my water, signaling I’m good for now, while the boys all order various beers to start.

When she walks away to retrieve their orders, Colin looks to the group. “She’s fucking smoking hot. Think I can get her number?” I chuckle as Liam just shakes his head.

Donovan smirks. “Not if I get it first.”

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