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Here we go. Liam and I sit back as we watch the two of them go back and forth about who can get the poor unsuspecting girl’s number.

Liam turns to me, dropping his voice so only I can hear. “The job is a go, but it seems they don’t have the girl fully on board yet. After looking over the case, she needs us. Even if she’s unwilling to admit it.”

I sigh. It’s never exactly easy when the client isn’t fully on board. However, once I’m there, I can usually smooth things over quickly.

“What’s going on?” I ask, careful to keep my voice low.

Liam wants to keep this one on the down low, and I’ve learned over the years to not question his reasoning. He always has a reason. A good one at that.

“Looks like she has a pretty serious stalker, but she thinks her manager and parents are overreacting because the guy hasn’t made any threatening moves yet. After looking at the evidence, I agree with her manager and parents that this psycho is just one step away from life-threatening.”

I immediately sit up taller and lean in closer so I can hear him better.

He pulls out his phone. “I’m emailing the brief now. You need to examine everything thoroughly. This case will require twenty-four-hour protection and frequent travel.”

I nod my head as I pull out my phone as well to make sure I receive it. There’s a serious edge in his voice that has me on alert. As I quickly skim the brief, I realize I’ll need more time to analyze everything.

“How long has this been going on?” I ask, puzzled at the dates I see in the brief.

“Too damn long. We need you to get in there and protect her. I’ll work on it from the home office as well to track this bastard down. Once Colin is free, he’ll be on it, too.”

“You know I can handle it.” This isn’t my first rodeo with a protection case, and unfortunately for the victims, it won’t be my last, either.

“I know you can. You’re the best I have,” he says right as Donovan tunes into our conversation.

“Hey, what about me?”

I playfully shove him in the shoulder as Liam’s deep chuckle takes over the table.

“SJ is the more likeable out of the two of you. I have to send you on the cases where personality doesn’t matter.”

“Ohhh, burn!” Colin pipes in.

A deep, rich chuckle passes my lips at my friend’s expense. Donovan is too damn broody sometimes. He needs to learn to let loose and not be so serious all the time.

He huffs out, “Fuckers,” as the waitress brings back their beer orders.

His response generates another round of laughs. Before long, Donovan joins us. We all know Liam is joking. Each of us takes turns getting ragged on, and Donovan pulled the short stick tonight. Next time, it will be me or Colin. It’s just how we communicate; it’s how we express our affection, fucked up as it may be.

“In all seriousness, guys, I couldn’t do this without every one of you. Thank you for always having my back. For being my brothers,” Liam says as he holds up his beer in a toast.

We all raise our glasses in response, clinking them together. Damn, it feels good to have the crew back together.

The waitress comes back, and we all place our food orders. The boys get another round of beers, and I stick with my water. I need to leave early in the morning to catch my flight to Chicago.

“Did you all catch the game last night?” Colin asks, and we all groan.

It was a shit show from the start. We spend the rest of the evening bullshitting about the game before it turns into playful ribbing at Colin and Donovan’s expense when they both leave without the waitress’s number.

Once I’m back in my apartment for the night, I spend a few hours pouring over the file Liam sent me. I need to prepare myself as much as I can, so I jot down a few notes. It looks like Nora Reyes is in some serious danger. For her sake, I hope we catch this bastard sooner rather than later.

Chapter 2


Four weeks earlier

I sigh as I undo the final wrap from my big toe. It’s bloody, and my nail is so torn that I’ll have to file it down even more to keep it from snagging.
