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“Samantha Christine! You know it’s not like that! We understand your brother has a life outside of Sutter Creek, and we respect that! You should, too,” Camilla says, her face stern but somehow still soft.

You can tell she has affection and a tremendous amount of love for both of her children, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to let them walk all over her.

Sam immediately deflates at her words; her shoulders drop and so does her head.

“Sam, you know I love you. I love all of you. It’s not that I don’t miss you or want to be here, but my life is outside of Sutter Creek. You know that,” SJ says softly.

I hear a sniffle as Sam wipes at her cheeks before finally raising her head. She looks directly at SJ, and what I see in her eyes breaks my heart. I see a girl who misses her brother immensely.

I think they’re all in a complicated situation. One where they want to respect SJ’s choices and career, but they also want him here with them. I think SJ wants to be here for them, but he doesn’t want to give up what he’s worked so damn hard for all these years.

I can sympathize with both sides, and that tears my heart in two. I’m sure Camilla and Charles feel pretty damn similar as well.

“Why can’t you just stay here and help dad with the store?” Sam’s voice cracks.

“You know I can’t,” SJ answers, his voice trembling right alongside hers.

“Can’t or won’t?” She fires back after a tense moment of silence.

“Can’t…” SJ starts but doesn’t finish. You can tell this divide between them weighs heavily on everyone. They’re at an impasse, but it seems they’re choosing to deal with it rather than have it tear them apart.

“Sam, life is rarely ever simple. Nothing is black and white, and some choices are harder than others. If your brother could be here, he would. We’re thankful he could come this time and help. Let’s finish dinner in peace. This isn’t a conversation to have in front of our guest,” Charles says, defeat heavy in his voice.

“That’s fine. I’m not really hungry anymore, anyway. If you’ll excuse me…” Sam stands, nodding her head toward her parents then only briefly glancing in SJ’s direction. She turns her eyes to me. “Nora, I’m sorry I ruined dinner. It was very nice to meet you, and I’m glad you’re here.”

She doesn’t linger at the table after her apology. She quickly turns and darts upstairs, leaving the four of us alone.

“I’m sorry, Nora,” Camilla says.

“No, no. It’s okay. I understand she’s hurt. She’s young and just trying to work through it. I hope we can stay as long as needed to help.”

I give a small smile to SJ, hoping like hell I didn’t just lie to them. They don’t know the extent of why I need SJ or that my stalker knows more about them than anyone is comfortable with.

But that conversation will have to wait. Emotions are too high and too heavy right now to bring up my craziness as well.

“I’ll talk to her.” SJ sighs in defeat and sadness as he stands to collect our plates, officially ending dinner.

Chapter 22


I tried to help clean up after dinner, but Camilla insisted it wasn’t necessary. Charles helped me hobble into the living room and told me to make myself comfortable. It’s odd sitting in silence in an unfamiliar home. I suddenly miss my own parents. I can’t remember the last time I got to sit and have dinner with them the way we did with SJ’s family tonight.

“Here we are.” Camilla’s presence fills the room with a sense of calm and warmth.

She sets a small tray on the coffee table with a carafe and coffee cups. Charles walks in behind her, setting cream and sugar on the tray alongside the coffee.

“It’s decaf, but we like a little coffee after dinner. Would you like some?” Camilla asks as she pours herself and Charles a cup.

“Sure, I’d love some.” I don’t normally drink coffee after dinner, but I don’t want to seem rude. Plus, it’s decaf, so it can’t hurt.

“Cream and sugar?” Camilla asks as she fills the cup.

“Please.” I scoot forward on the sofa, dying to do this myself. I don’t want them tending to me. It’s hard enough with SJ going out of his way to do everything for me. I don’t want his parents doing it too.

“No, no. It’s no trouble at all.” Charles’ deep voice sounds so much like SJ’s. It’s like he read my thoughts.

I take my cup of coffee when Charles offers it to me. I blow across it to cool it a bit before taking a sip. He takes a seat on the chair to my left, while Camilla moves to sit to my right on the sofa with me.
