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I hope things are going okay with SJ and Sam. I feel bad everything erupted like it did. I can’t imagine how hard it is for SJ to be away from them like he is.

“Nora, how should we arrange sleeping while you’re here with us?” Charles’ question catches me off guard. His tone is even and curious, not at all probing.

“Um, we haven’t even discussed it. I’m okay with wherever there is an available spot.”

I’m a little embarrassed by my answer. All the time in the car on the way here was spent discussing the stalker. We never talked about sleeping arrangements. I don’t know if there’s a spare room or if I’ll need to sleep on the sofa. However, no matter the arrangement, it’s fine.

“Nora will take my room, and I’ll sleep on the sofa.” SJ’s words enter the room before he does. I didn’t even know he was within earshot. He comes into the room and sits in the chair opposite his dad.

“I don’t mind taking the sofa, SJ,” I offer, trying to push back. The pointed look he gives me tells me he’s not having it.

“Well, I, for one, am looking forward to seeing SJ try to fit himself on the sofa.” Charles’ booming laugh makes us all laugh. Well, almost all of us. SJ cracks a smile but doesn’t get quite the belly laugh the rest of us do.

“Nora, I’m curious as to why you need a bodyguard?” Camilla asks. Her question, like Charles’, seems purely curious.

“Mom.” SJ’s tone is a warning. I notice Charles raise his eyebrows at his son’s tone with his mother.

“What? It’s just a question, Samuel.” I catch a slight grin on Camillas’s face with the use of SJ’s real name before she sips her coffee.

“It’s okay, SJ. We’re in their home; they have a right to know.” I gain the full attention of Camilla and Charles with that statement.

“There’s no need to worry them.” SJ’s voice is stern, but I’m unwilling to stay in his parents’ home—knowing that crazy fucker knows who they are, where they are, where they work—and have them unaware.

Camilla and Charles’ eyes ping-pong between SJ and me. The tension mounts, and neither of us is relenting.

“Worry them about what?” Sam comes into the room, her eyes still a little red from crying.

Everyone looks at her for a moment, but SJ is the one who answers. “No one needs to worry about anything. I have it all under control.” He scans the room, meeting everyone’s eyes for a few seconds. He meets mine last. This time, he doesn’t look stern; he looks almost pleading for me to drop it.

Sam plops down between her mom and me on the sofa. I wince before I can stop myself. The jolt of her contact with the sofa causes my leg to bounce slightly, sending a sharp pain through my ankle.

“Sorry!” Sam says, her eyes wide with concern. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She looks from me to SJ and back.

SJ is on his feet, coming over. I hold my hand up to stop him.

“It’s okay, Sam, and I’m fine, SJ.” I force a tight smile so SJ will sit back down.

I don’t want everyone fussing over me, and Sam has already had a not-so-great evening. There’s no sense in ruining it further.

Charles clears his throat. “I’d like to be filled in on the details of Nora’s need for a bodyguard.” Before SJ can protest, Charles continues. “Son, I understand you’re capable and you have it under control, but this is my home, and I’m responsible for your mother’s and sister’s safety.” His tone isn’t argumentative; it’s the opposite. He’s making his position known and expects an answer.

I don’t attempt to answer this time. Charles addressed his son, so this is for SJ to answer.

SJ blows out a heavy breath. “Okay, I’ll tell you, but please understand that the situation is under control, and there is no need for you to worry.”

I think SJ’s concern is more about his parents not wanting me here and putting them in danger than it has to do with them actually knowing the details. If I’m being honest with myself, that scares me a bit, too. And who could blame them if they want me to stay at a hotel?

“I was hired by Nora’s parents and manager after several bouquets of dead flowers were left for Nora after shows across the country.” His words are spoken calmly.

Sam’s eyebrows furrow. “I thought throwing flowers is common after a live show.”

“Yes, throwing live flowers on stage is common. This guy leaves dead flowers, and he’s gotten as close as outside her dressing room and outside her hotel room.”

Sam’s eyes go wide. “Ohhh.”

“Have you been able to identify him?” Charles asks, his voice has some hint of concern now.

“We have. I just got his name today. Liam went to his apartment, but he hasn’t shown back up there.”
