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My eyes bounce between the two of them, curious to see how all this plays out. I figured SJ would have said no right away and shot her down, but it seems that Kyle and Dre are friends he’s interested in seeing.

Her eyes light up in victory. “Yes! The entire crew will be there. Even Jennifer!”

SJ perks up even more at the mention of Jennifer, which causes the curiosity bells to ring in my ears.

Who is Jennifer? Was she in one of the pictures in his room? I hold my breath, waiting to see what he says.

He doesn’t answer her right away, though. Instead, he turns back to me, indecision in his eyes. He says nothing to me before turning back to Cindy.

“I’m not sure what our plans are tonight, but I know where to find you guys if we’re free.”

Cindy smiles, completely undeterred by his use of “our” plans before pushing her boobs up even more and fluffing her hair. “I hope you can make it!” She cuts her eyes to me before she turns with a distasteful look on her face and leaves. The message is loud and clear that she hopes SJ comes alone tonight.

I narrow my eyes, watching her exit the store before I turn my gaze to SJ’s waiting one.

“That was… interesting,” I say, trying to gauge what he wants to do.

I won’t stop him from going out with his friends. He hasn’t been in town in a few years, so I understand the desire to catch up with everyone.

However, I have to actively try to ignore the nagging feeling in my gut about his curiosity when Jennifer’s name came up. I have no right to feel any certain way about a woman I don’t even know. I especially have no right feeling any claim to a man who isn’t mine.

“Want to go get a drink and meet some of my friends tonight?”

My stomach pitches and at that moment, my mind finally makes the connection to my heart. I suddenly let in and accept this runaway train with no brakes. That I’m catching feelings for my bodyguard. The last thing I want to do tonight is go meet the woman who SJ would brave seeing Boobles again for.

I force a smile and nod because I don’t want to be that woman. The jealous and controlling type. I’ll just have to suck it up.

Maybe it isn’t what I think. Maybe this won’t be so bad.

“So, Nora, what’s the deal with you and SJ?” Cindy asks.

I tear my eyes off SJ and turn toward her. He’s currently bent over the pool table, his scrumptious ass on full display. I internally groan a little at the loss.

“We’re friends,” I answer. It’s a simple, non-complicated and no-attachment-here answer.

She raises her eyebrows in disbelief, and I can’t say I blame her. My eyes have been tracking him all night and not in the “just friends” kind of way. It doesn’t help that Jennifer has been all over him all night, and he doesn’t seem to mind it.

“Yep!” I pop the p with too much force.

“That’s good, that’s good. You don’t look like his type anyway, so I figured you two were just friends,” she says snidely.

What in the actual fuck?!

Who does Boobles think she is? And what the hell does she mean not his type? My eyes narrow, as I lean forward, ready to tell her off. However, before I do, my eyes swing to where hers are laser focused.

The words die on my lips. SJ is standing there with his head thrown back, laughing at whatever Jennifer just said. They look pretty damn cozy with each other as Jennifer leans into SJ, placing her hand on his forearm as he looks down at her. I’m pretty sure I see the adoration on his face as he gazes back at her.

Did I mention Jennifer is drop dead gorgeous? A leggy brunette with wide hips and large breasts. She has that classic hourglass figure that most women would kill to have, including me.

I clear my throat, suddenly feeling nauseated.

“If you’ll excuse me,” I mutter as I stand, gently placing my foot on the ground to test the water.

I took a pain pill before we left the house, so it isn’t so bad right now. Keeping it propped up at the store today helped as well. It’s less swollen, and the bruising has subsided some. I make my way to the bathroom at the back of the cute and cozy bar, but just as I pass SJ, he reaches out and stops me.

“You okay, Nora?”

No cupcake, just Nora.
