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“Nora will not be bait,” I say sternly.

“How?” Walt asks.

I take my eyes off Nora to meet his gaze. “Because I’ll be the bait.”

“No! Absolutely not! I won’t let you do that.” Nora’s voice is low, but her words are no less stern.

Her nails dig into my back as she tries to get my attention. When that doesn’t work, she tries to pull my face down to hers, but I resist.

“Let’s load up.” I don’t look down to meet her eyes.

I know she’s against this plan, but it’s the only way to end this and keep her safe. That’s the end goal. The only one I care about.

Chapter 31

David Miller

I have beautiful, dried roses for Nora. She doesn’t expect me here in Sutter Creek, but I hope she’ll be as excited to meet me as I am her. I was caught off guard when they all came outside together to leave, but I followed them, leaving a car or two between us to ensure I didn’t draw attention to myself.

Once everyone is parked, I wait for my chance. Walt and Marie are standing in front of the SUV, but Nora hasn’t gotten out yet. I’m so nervous, my palms are sweating. Samuel gets out and walks around the vehicle to open the back passenger door. That must be where my Nora is.

I hold my breath as I see her step out. She’s stunning, with her flawless skin and raven hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. Immediately, I see something is wrong. Their body language is wrong. Why is he holding his hand out to her? Why is she taking it? My heart pounds in my ears as I see the so-called bodyguard loop her arm with his and pull her close to his side.

She looks up at him and smiles, and the gesture stabs me directly in my heart.

I open my door, ready to charge over and confront them, but I think better of it. He’s a huge man, and I don’t stand a chance against him. He’s obviously convinced her to be with him. Otherwise, she wouldn’t allow him to touch her in that way.

I wait in the parking lot. Time ticks by while they’re inside together. Thoughts swirl in my mind, the unexplainable. She is mine. Why is she entertaining this other man? I have it all mapped out. I reach into the back seat and get my notebook.

Frantically, I flip through page after page I’ve written about the life Nora and I will have. It’s all there, it makes perfect sense. Nora and I will live in the warehouse I’ve prepared until I’m able to provide a better place for us. We’re supposed to grow old together. Samuel Johnson doesn’t fit in my plan anywhere.

It’s been too long; they should have been out by now. My patience is exhausted. I’ll just leave the roses and a note. I take out a pen and scribble my thoughts onto a piece of notebook paper and shove it securely in the bouquet.

I open the car door and get out. I take a quick glance toward the restaurant entrance. I can’t see them, so I walk quickly to the SUV, place the roses gently on the windshield, and walk back to my car without looking back.

I barely get inside the rental car before turning in time to see Samuel charging out of the restaurant alone toward the SUV. I watch in horror as he grabs the bouquet. I can hear him screaming, but I can’t make out what he’s saying with the windows up on the car.

Throwing the bouquet to the ground, the bodyguard stomps on them. He makes a quick phone call, his body tense and his face a mask of fury, before he rushes back into the restaurant.

How dare he? How fucking dare he stomp on the beautiful roses I left for MY NORA? Mine! She is mine! I slam my hands on the steering wheel.

I watch intently as the group of them exit the restaurant. Walt and Marie scan the parking lot, no doubt looking for me. I’m no moron. I’ve parked so I have the vantage point. SJ and Nora are practically stuck to one another. Her beautiful face is lined with worry and fear.

Why are you afraid of me, precious Nora? I’ve done everything to make you see how much I love you, how perfect we’ll be together. And you’re throwing it all away on some muscle-bound bodyguard. I can give you so much more than he ever could!

I can hardly remain parked, waiting for them to leave. My blood is boiling. I want to hit the gas and ram this car into the driver’s side of that SUV. If it wouldn’t risk hurting Nora, I’d do it without a second thought. I don’t care if it hurts me, but I would never hurt Nora.

As soon as they’re out of the parking lot and out of sight, I throw the gearshift into drive and exit the parking lot with screeching tires.

“How could she do this to me? To us!” I yell.

The sound of my own anger fills the small rental car. I’ve given all my love to Nora. I’ve done everything I can to prepare a place for us, but she’s so brainwashed by Samuel Johnson, she can’t even see all I’m doing for us.

I have to put a stop to this once and for all. I thought for sure she’d have gone home by now. And she would’ve if it weren’t for that fucking bodyguard. I can’t go against him on my own. He’s more than twice my size and probably trained for hand-to-hand combat.

“I’ll get myself a gun.” I press the pedal of the little car harder as I get onto the freeway.

I can’t stay in Sutter Creek. They’d find me in this small town. There aren’t many options nearby. I’ve been parking at a rest stop and sleeping in this rental car. Not paying my rent for the last few months is the only reason I’ve been able to make this trip.
