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My plan was to show her how deep my love for her is. I wanted to show her how far I would go to rescue her from that meat head. I thought she needed me! He took her from her home and ran to this shithole of a town. He stole her from me! But I see now that she’s been brainwashed into thinking I’m the bad guy.

I’m sure I’ll be evicted any day now, but it won’t matter. The place I found for Nora and me doesn’t cost me anything, and it’ll be available for me to take Nora to as soon as I get my chance to grab her.

I hate thinking of it that way, grabbing her. If I’d taken the opportunity before to talk to her, she would’ve understood that we’re supposed to be together. She would’ve come willingly. Then the bodyguard showed up, and I missed my chance.

I’m done dwelling on that now. I’m going to execute my plan, even if I have to lure her out myself to do it.

Chapter 32


“Do you think this is the best plan? Can’t we figure out another way?” I ask as I watch SJ pull his gun from the holster that’s snug against the small of his back.

He ejects the magazine, checking to make sure it’s loaded, then slams it back in. Only after checking the Glock 19 does he finally lift his head to look at me. “There isn’t another way, at least not one I’m willing to entertain.”

“Why?” I ask in a whisper.

Something changed in him when he walked out of that restaurant and ripped the hideous bouquet of dead roses off my parents’ rental. He snapped.

I stood just inside the restaurant doors and watched the man I have feelings for lose his shit in the parking lot. I’ve never seen him so furious. He called out to David Miller, challenging him to come out and face SJ like a man.

I won’t pretend the sight didn’t turn me on, even though it meant my stalker was dangerously close.

He’s no longer in Chicago, but right here in Sutter Creek. I shiver at the thought. The slight movement must catch SJ’s attention. Before I can blink, he’s standing in front of me in the small hotel room.

He reaches out and grabs my chin, tilting it slightly so he can look directly into my eyes. “I won’t let him touch you. You know that, right?”

I nod, then my lip wobbles. I bite it to stop the trembling. “It isn’t me I’m worried about.”

He smirks before he glides his hand around to cradle the back of my head. Then he pulls me against his brawny chest. His hand stays firmly behind my head while the other wraps around my waist.

“You don’t have to worry about me, cupcake. This will be over soon, and then you can have your life back.”

“How can you say that? You can’t know that nothing will happen,” I scold. I continue to bury myself in his muscular chest, unwilling to back away from the contact he so willingly offers.

It feels so damn good.

“Yes, I can,” he says so confidently that I’m almost put at ease until the intrusive thoughts resurface.

I can’t stop thinking about all the ways this could go wrong. What if SJ gets hurt? What if David gets away? The barrage of questions won’t ease up, and they’re so intense that my stomach is tying in knots.

His hand rubs a soothing pattern on my back, and he rocks me slightly from side to side as he tries to soothe me.

“Do you think I can’t handle him?” SJ asks.

“No, of course not! It isn’t that, SJ. It’s the fact that we’re dealing with a very unhinged psychopath right now. I couldn’t bear to live with myself if something happens to you.”

He pulls back so he can look directly at my face. “Look at me, cupcake.” I do as he asks, and his eyes bore into mine. “I promise you that I will do everything within my power to stop this guy. It’s time to put an end to this situation.”

My brows furrow in contemplation. My situation isn’t what I’m worried about, and he damn well knows it. He sees my expression and continues.

“You know why I’m not worried?” he asks.

I only shake my head because I can’t fathom why he isn’t at least a little nervous. This guy is crazy and unpredictable. Someone would have to be a little crazy themselves to not be concerned, but SJ looks more at ease than I think I’ve ever seen him.

I reach up and run my fingers along his powerful jawline, and he leans into my touch. This moment is unlike any we’ve shared. It feels monumental. It feels natural.

“Tell me.” The words leave my lips in a hushed whisper.
