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Her timid response has me reaching over once in the car is in park. I pull her face to me, stroking her cheek with my thumb.

“I want you to focus on getting yourself better. Let me handle the rest.”

She places her forehead on mine and blows out a breath. Another timid “okay” leaves her lips.

I can promise her one thing. I will get this guy if it’s the last thing I do.

“I told you that boot would come off today, didn’t I? Never doubt me,” I say with a chuckle as I open the passenger door to the SUV for her to climb inside. . She was cleared to take off the boot and begin physical therapy.

She was so worried, but I never was. Well, not about the odds of her getting the boot off, anyway. The doctor said her range of motion was great. Her muscles are weaker than before, but he feels confident she can train if she works slowly, gradually.

He gave strict instructions that she had to be careful and listen to her body, and a referral for a physical therapist who works specifically with athletes and performers. This isn’t Nora’s first series injury though, which means she’s well acquainted with physical therapists.

“Okay, okay. You were right.”

I lean in and brush my lips against hers. Before I can step back to close the door, she pulls me closer by my shirt, deepening our kiss.

When she releases me, she says, “I’ll never get tired of kissing you.”

I grin. “I sure hope not because I won’t ever get tired of kissing you, either.”

I step back and close the door. I check my surroundings, making sure there’s no signs of that psycho David Miller before I round the SUV and get into the driver’s seat.

“Let’s go home,” she says with a smile.

The way she calls Sutter Creek home feels…right.

“Yes, ma’am.” I put the vehicle in reverse, backing out of the parking spot and then make my way onto the highway, heading home.

“I’ll call Alex and get this plan in motion,” I say cautiously. She doesn’t like this idea, but it has to be done.

She blows out a heavy breath. “If you insist.”

I don’t waste another moment before pulling up my contacts on the SUV’s screen and finding Alex’s name, then calling him.

“SJ? What’s wrong?” Alex’s words rush out.

I furrow my brow and give Nora a questioning look. She only shrugs.

“Nothing is wrong. Why would you think that?”

“Walt and Marie told me about the stalker showing up at dinner. They seemed pretty spooked. I am, too. Don’t you think Nora would be better off at home?” he answers quickly.

“Yes, as a matter of fact I do. We’re coming back to NY. Nora’s boot is off, and she’s ready for rehearsal.” I keep my tone even, ensuring he believes me.

“What? How is that possible?” His tone, however, is snarky and questioning.

“You don’t want her to come back?”

“Well, yes, of course, but she needs to be at one hundred percent before she’s on stage again. Don’t you think the focus should be on catching this David guy? I mean, is Nora even safe performing until he’s been caught?”

I have to level with him. He won’t take me at my word, and the doctor didn’t exactly sign off for her to go back to full-blown performing.

I glance at Nora for a moment to gauge her reaction. She mouths the words “just tell him.” I’m still not sure I trust the guy, but she seems to. I’ll have to trust her judgement on this one.

“Look, Alex. Here’s the truth. Nora’s name needs to be on that playbill for opening night. She isn’t yet released to perform, or even rehearse fully right now, though she is cleared for PT. Opening night is our best chance to catch this bastard. Can you get her name on the playbill? Can you make it well known it’ll be her first night back?”
