Page 39 of Endless Hope

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“Does your friend have a kiln for me?”

I grinned, thrilled to give her this. “He does.”

“Shouldn’t we grab it before someone else does?” Holly asked, anxiety creeping into her voice.

“I put a hold on it,” I said while she locked the door, and we headed down the stairs to the sidewalk.

“Thank you. I wouldn’t have even known where to start.”

“Owen owns a place in Annapolis that sells used equipment. You just have to know what you’re looking for.”

“I’m lucky you stopped by this morning,” Holly said as she got into the passenger side of my truck.

“You have no idea.” Between Marley and me, I hoped we were able to make all of Holly’s dreams come true. I just hoped she didn’t balk at our efforts, thinking she didn’t earn it. It was common for artists to get so caught up in their work that they neglected to market it or put themselves in the places where the right buyers would be.

My body hummed with excitement. The trick was making her think she’d done all the work.

“Where are we going?”

“To a breakfast place in Annapolis. That way, we can walk to Owen’s store.”

Holly nodded. “Good idea.”

On the way, Holly relayed her conversation with Marley to me, and I smiled and nodded in all the right places. I hoped Marley was able to help Holly. She’d created a successful business advising other female entrepreneurs.

When we parked, Holly reached for the door handle, but I stopped her with a hand on her arm. “No matter what happens with your art, know that you were the one who created everything.”

Holly licked her glossy lips. “Are you saying that Marley doesn’t deserve credit if she can get me into a few more shops?”

“If she does, it doesn’t take away from your efforts. Meeting the right people who can open doors for you is part of the growing process. You need that to expand. You can’t do it all on your own.”

Holly nodded. “You had help.”

“I had a lot of help at the right times.”

Her brow furrowed. “I don’t want to get my hopes up and then be let down.”

“That’s part of the business, and there are a lot of artists jockeying for the same opportunities. But I believe it will pay off for you.” I had a theory that it was the ones who didn’t give up that made it. “You’re strong and determined. I have no doubt you’ll be successful in whatever direction you want to go.”

Holly reached over to touch my thigh. “It’s nice to have your support.”

We parked near the restaurant. Even though it was early, there were people walking their dogs, kids heading to the playground across town, and others stopping in for coffee at the local shops.

I led the way to the Iron Rooster, my favorite breakfast place in town.

“I would have assumed you’d go for the greasy spoon.”

“It’s good, but it’s tiny inside. There aren’t many tables, and I know you want to get to Owen’s shop so you can get started on your ideas.”

Holly nodded. “Even if I find a kiln, it doesn’t mean it will be doable now.”

“You mean the price?”

Holly nodded, her expression tight.

“Let’s not worry about that until we see it. Owen isn’t one to mark things up. He’s a reasonable guy.” More reasonable when someone else was paying a portion.

The hostess guided us up the narrow stairs to the second-floor dining room and to a table for two by the window.
