Page 47 of Endless Hope

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I couldn’t believe that we’d been separated for years. It was like no time had passed. My body remembered everything about her, as if my subconscious had memorized the lines of her body, the softness of her skin, and the sounds of her moans.

When I was fully lodged inside her, I paused, letting myself revel in the feel of her walls hugging me.

“Please move,” Holly urged with a tug on my hair. The sting of pain had me pulling back to the tip and thrusting inside.

I lifted myself off her body slightly so that I could gain some leverage. My orgasm was quickly building, and I didn’t want this to end. My muscles bulged with the urge to hold myself back, to make this last.

I didn’t want her to feel any regrets. I wanted to live in this moment forever.


I dropped my mouth to hers, giving in to the compulsion to be close to her. “I’m right here, baby.”

She didn’t say the words, but I heard them clearly in my consciousness. Don’t leave. I wished she never had to worry, but I knew with her history, she might.

Her hands gripped my forearms, grounding me in the moment. I wished we could drift away on these feelings and never return to reality.

But the orgasm building at the base of my spine told me differently. I only had these few seconds with her, and I had to make them count.

I changed the angle slightly so that I could find her G-spot, and the resulting moans told me I had. I held that position, every muscle in my body pulled taut while I urged her to go over. “Need you to come.”

Something about my words sent her over the edge. I covered her with my body while I thrust once, twice more, and emptied myself into the condom. I wished there was nothing between us, but I understood she was gun-shy, and neither of us wanted the worries and stress that came with pregnancy. Not when our relationship was so new and fragile.

I worried she’d bolt as soon as I eased out of her. I wanted to stay fused to her so she couldn’t retreat.

A few seconds later, I had no choice but to pull out and take care of the condom. I washed up quickly and returned with a warm washcloth, taking care of her like I’d wanted to so many years ago. I threw it in the direction of the hamper, eager to hold her close.

I wrapped her in my arms, breathing in the scent of her and sex as she rested boneless against me. “Are you having any regrets?”

“I could never regret being with you.”

That satisfied something deep inside of me. I’d always felt the same. How could something so easy and natural be wrong?

I was just drifting off when she said, “What about dinner? Weren’t you cooking something?”

I yawned. “It was done. I turned off the oven. But we can eat if you’re hungry.”

“I don’t want to move just yet.”

“Me either,” I said as she burrowed into my chest.

“I missed this,” she said, and I assumed she was talking about the closeness.

“I did, too.” I rested my chin against her hair.

“I’ve never found anything that could compare to what we had.” Her breath tickled the hair on my chest.

“I feel the same.” Not that I’d been looking for someone else to make me feel the way I had with Holly. I was reluctant to move on, always hoping that Holly would come around. That she’d give us another chance. Now she finally had, and things didn’t feel any more certain.

She could change her mind at any point and decide that she didn’t want the same things, or that it was too painful to be with me. Maybe I reminded her of everything she’d lost. I hadn’t thought about that before, and it sent a searing pain through my chest.

Her stomach rumbled, and we both chuckled at the sound. I sat up, easing her onto the pillow next to me. “I’ll bring dinner to you. Don’t move.”

She curled her hand around the pillow, a soft smile on her lips.

I couldn’t resist leaning over and kissing her softly. “Be right back.”

I pulled on a pair of sweats and hurried to the kitchen, where I plated food for us. When I returned with water and napkins, she hadn’t moved from her spot. When she saw me, she sat up, her hair curling over her breasts.
