Page 74 of Endless Hope

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“Pie. Yummy in my tummy,” Addy said as Ember cracked up. They made up a little song about eating pie and were quickly lost in their own world.

“I’m wondering if anyone here has an issue with me hiring Daphne to make the pies.”

Cole cleared his throat. “You know we don’t work with their family. They’re our competition.”

Sarah sighed, even as her cheeks turned pink. “I don’t know what your beef is with her family, but Daphne hasn’t done anything to us. I love her pies. Everyone loves her pies.” Sarah looked around the room, but no one would meet her gaze. “And she’s my friend. I want to support her.”

Knox rested his hand over hers. “I want Sarah to have whatever she desires.”

Emmett groaned. “Surely, you can find someone else to buy pies from.”

“How would Daphne feel if I bought them from someone else?” Sarah asked, her voice raising in pitch.

“Are you saying that Daphne will be invited to the wedding?” Cole asked.

“She’s one of my bridesmaids,” Sarah said, her eyes turning hard. “I came today prepared to argue my case, but I don’t understand what the issue is. Daphne is not her brothers or her parents. I’m not even sure she’s involved in the tree farm. She sells pies and takes care of her son.”

“We’ve never associated with their family before. I don’t think it’s a good idea to start now,” Emmett said, his tone firm.

“You don’t make that decision anymore,” Knox said. “Things are changing around here, and we’re not going to vilify someone when they haven’t done anything wrong except be born into our competitor’s family.”

“Her brothers won’t like it,” Cole said.

“Their reaction is as ridiculous and close-minded as yours,” Sarah said, and I respected her more for standing up to Cole and Emmett.

“Why do you care so much?” Heath asked Cole.

“I’m invested in the farm. I know I’m not a co-owner like you, but I’d like to be more involved if you’ll let me.”

Sebastian gestured around the table. “We already have a tough time sustaining the business with the number of people involved as it is.”

“We appreciate you working here,” Lori said.

Cole held up his hands. “This isn’t the right place for me to ask to be part of the business. But I can’t lie and say I don’t want a stake in it.”

“We appreciate your input, Cole. You’ve worked here on and off for years, and we’ve always been able to rely on you. If there’s a way for us to include you more in the business-side of things, we can have that conversation at another time,” Lori said.

Cole tipped his head. “I’d appreciate that.”

Lori turned her attention to the rest of the family. “I want everyone to support Sarah’s decisions. Her ordering pies from Daphne for her wedding has nothing to do with the tree farm business.”

Emmett opened his mouth to protest, and Lori held up her hand. “I’ve heard your thoughts on this, Emmett, and it doesn’t change my mind. This is Sarah’s wedding, and Daphne’s her friend.”

Cole sighed, exchanging a disgruntled look with Emmett.

“I don’t want to cause any trouble. I’m marrying into your family—” Sarah began.

“We’re your family,” Knox interjected. “We love you and want you to be happy. I want you to have whatever you want for our wedding.”

“So we can have unicorns?” Addy asked sweetly.

“I’d give you those if I could,” Knox said as everyone else chuckled. It eased the tension around the room.

I had a feeling Emmett and Cole only let the issue go temporarily. I wouldn’t be surprised if the issue of Daphne and her pies came up again.

“Didn’t you score a date with Daphne at the bachelorette auction? I would have thought that would have softened you toward her,” Knox asked.

Cole scowled. “I was supporting the farm by participating.”
