Page 80 of Endless Hope

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“Big spenders want something exclusive. They want to say they’re the only ones who have something.”

“I hope you’re right. If it works out, she was hoping I’d paint the gardens, too.”

“Is that what you want to do? Paint landscapes?”

“Making something new gets the juices flowing in a way producing the same thing doesn’t. It’s a challenge, but I’m looking forward to it.”

“You’re going to be busy.” I was hoping our schedules would slow down so we could enjoy our time together.

“That’s a good thing, though, right? Busy means the business is doing well.”

Holly was so thrilled with the new directions her business was taking, I didn’t have the heart to ask for her to slow down and spend time with me. This is what she wanted. Eventually, things would work out for us. I just had to be patient.

We finished breakfast and went our separate ways at the cabin. Holly took a nap while I said I needed to finish something in the workshop. It was her gift, and I was worried she’d ask what I was doing. But she just smiled and said she’d see me in a bit.

Chapter 20


When I woke up from my nap, I was stiff and groggy. I’d hoped to feel refreshed, but I’d overslept. I was disappointed that Talon hadn’t joined me at some point. I thought for sure he was exhausted, too. It had been a crazy couple of weeks.

I kept thinking things would have to slow down, but then Marley would throw a new idea at me, and I was excited to get started on it. My mind spun with all the things I’d be working on for the next few weeks, more glass designs and a print of the inn. She’d also mentioned improving the look of my online shop. She’d said something about optimizing my product page, which sounded technical, but she said we could use my art background and her marketing to make it better.

It was so exciting, but at the same time, I missed spending time with Talon. We’d only just reconnected, and I was essentially living in his house, but I felt this distance between us.

When I took a nap, he was in the workshop. While I took a bath, he cleaned up the workshop and started dinner. It was great, and I felt taken care of, but what I didn’t feel was close to him.

We’d had breakfast together this morning, but then we’d gone our separate ways. I felt this emptiness in my chest. I hoped spending the holidays together brought us back together.

I didn’t want to spend my life working. It would have been a welcome change just a few short weeks ago. But now I wanted to put more effort into my relationship with Talon. I just hoped he felt the same way.

I got up and jumped into the shower, again hoping that Talon would join me, but when I came into the bedroom to get dressed, he was waiting for me. “You about ready?”

“Yeah,” I said, feeling more than a little unsettled. I’d hoped for some naked time this afternoon and hadn’t gotten it.

“Everything okay?”

“I was just hoping you’d join me in bed or in the shower,” I said, hoping I didn’t sound as desperate as I felt.

His face was grim. “I had to finish something in the workshop.”

“I thought you were done with your commissioned pieces for the holidays?” Asking made me sound like I didn’t trust him, but I couldn’t help myself.

Talon draped an arm over my shoulder. “It’s a gift.”

I wondered if it was for his mom. It made me feel better, but I still wondered when we’d have time for just us.

“You’re never going to believe this, but the breeder called while you were taking a nap. The one where we got the puppies?”

“Okay…” I said as I got dressed.

“They had one that no one had claimed, and they wondered if we’d want it.”

My eyes widened. “You didn’t.”

Talon chuckled. “I couldn’t resist. I had to see her.”

“Is she here?”
