Page 94 of Endless Hope

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Lori sat in a chair and paged through it. “It’s an incredibly thoughtful gift.”

Knox leaned his elbows on the counter. “It was nice.”

“What did you get her?” Knox asked.

I’d taken a picture of the chandelier. “He made me this.”

The girls moved closer and oohed and ahhed over it. “It’s gorgeous. Where are you going to hang it?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure. It’s too nice for my apartment.”

Marley stepped closer and said, “I use things like this for inspiration. One day, this will fit seamlessly into your space, whether you use it for a bathroom, a closet, or your office. And I think it will be sooner than you think.”

I liked the idea of that. And I knew it would work in Talon’s cabin. But the only office was his, and it would make the bathroom too girly. It was too soon to worry about moving in with Talon or merging our styles.

“The right space will come to me. In the meantime, I can look at it whenever I want.”

“It needs to be hung somewhere,” Talon said.

I knew he didn’t like fixtures sitting on the floor. So I’d need to figure something out soon. “We’ll figure it out.” I hoped the implication was clear. We had all the time in the world to plan our life together.

He leaned down to kiss me, and a collective sigh went through the family members gathered around us.

Talk started up around us, with everyone sharing what they’d bought for each other. The mood was jovial and relaxed.

Lori pulled me aside. “Next year, I’d like to invite your mother.”

“That would be lovely.” I hadn’t even thought about mixing our families, but it would be nice.

“You’re part of the family now,” Lori said, pulling me in for a hug.

When she pulled back, I said, “We’re not engaged or even living together. We don’t know if—”

“You’ve always known.” Lori touched my chest over my heart. “Deep down inside. If you’re honest with yourself.”

I met Talon’s gaze over her head. His lips were tipped up. She was right. We’d always had something special. Had I known Talon was it for me my whole life, and I’d just been running from the truth?

Lori had already moved away, asking for help with carrying the dishes to the table in the dining room.

Talon’s arm came around me in an easy move, as if he’d been doing it our entire lives. “Everything okay?”

I smiled. “More than.”

When everyone was seated and the food was placed in front of us, everyone looked at Lori. “I know your father usually led the toast on Christmas, but I’d like to say a few words.”

Emotion passed over the brothers’ faces as Lori looked around the table. “We’ve had a lot of change the last few years. We’ve had new additions to the family, puppies, and engagements, and I know we have many more exciting things coming for us in the future. I’m so happy that you boys have grown up to be strong men and that you know a good thing when you see it.” She glanced at the women at the table.

“Here, here,” Heath said, as he reached over and kissed Marley’s upturned lips.

Everyone cheered, with a few more couples exchanging kisses and Ember and Addy complaining about how gross kissy moments were.

“I’m happy that you opened yourself up to love. There’s no greater feeling in the world. When you find it, you do anything you can to keep it. It’s the greatest emotion you’ll ever feel.”

There were a few nods and agreements as Lori took a breath before continuing. “We have a wedding coming up soon, two more engagements, and I think a pack of puppies at this point. You’ve given me my grandchildren, Ember and Addy, the joys of my life. I’d love more, but there’s no rush.” Everyone huffed out a laugh, looking at each other as if they could guess who would be the first to be pregnant. “I have everything I’ve ever wanted here in this room.”

Tears stung my eyes because she was saying that the family was whole and complete, even with their father only there in spirit. I loved her speech and that she included everyone in her definition of family.

“Our family is ever expanding, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
