Page 1 of Judge

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I AM ROMAN JUDGE III. My clients and friends call me Judge, much to my father’s distaste.

The Judge family is wealthy, powerful, and prestigious in Boston, and we dominate the rule and statute in this city.

It’s always been in my blood. It was not just my destiny but my Legacy—three generations of lawyers and advisors to the criminal underworld in Boston. Like a rite of passage, I have always known this is what I would be. There was no choice about it. I’m my father's eldest son, and therefore, I must continue on with the Judge's heritage. Everything I have learned has been passed down to me by my father and his before that. My son too will become the very thing I tried so hard not to be like... them.

Being highly skilled in all aspects of criminal law, if there is a loophole, I will find it. A witness to bribe, I pay it. I clean up the mistakes and indiscretions of men that belong behind bars to rot for eternity, and I make a lot of money doing so.

I’m just as corrupt as the men that pay me. The blood on their hands mark mine. Their victims do not get the justice they deserve, because I erase it. In the past sixty years, my grandfather and father built an empire. Police officers, politicians, magistrates, and professionals, right down to the garbage collectors, are on our payroll. There is not a corner, ally, or building in Boston we do not have some kind of ownership or access to. The community fears us, and the criminals respect us.

Of course, there are always a handful of honorable men or women who would rather die than sell their souls to the devil, but mostly, when you wave a big wad of cash at them, followed by a threat, their silence is guaranteed.

Five years ago, my grandfather passed away and now my father’s failing health will not allow him to keep up with the demands of our business. He intends to leave me in charge of the company, but not until I conform to the person, he expects me to be. I am to retire the dreams and ideals I have and surrender my soul to the devil... him. Resign to the fact I’m to step out from his shadows and be the perfect mold of the man I so despise.

My father has given me until the end of the year to marry, or at least commit to, or I’m to marry his desired choice, Georgina Sullivan. With half the year gone already, that does not leave me much time.

Georgina is beautiful, and I’m certain she would make a wonderful wife. She is from one of the wealthiest families in Massachusetts, and our tie would benefit both families. However, she does not challenge me. Her compliant nature is tedious and quite frankly, boring. She’s the perfect silent daughter as she performs her duties to keep her daddy happy. I need a woman who commands my presence. A woman who stands for only herself, except me, of course.

My father threatens to take everything from me over this. Everything I have worked so goddamn hard for. I know that I must take this seriously, but I’m a grown-ass man, and I intend to choose my own wife. Sure, I could just select any number of women and make her my wife. I certainly have no shortage of willing participants. Yet, somewhere in the darkness of my soul, I know that would be a mistake. I intend to take over the business and run it on my terms, my father be damned.

I am the eldest son of three, and the company will be handed down to my brother, Liam, if I fail to comply with my father’s terms. Only eighteen months younger than I, Liam has a wife, two sons, a daughter, and my father's favor.

If I don’t play my cards right, I will lose it all.

Chapter One


MY HEART RATE SPIKES as I take a seat at the boardroom table and stare into the ambitious eyes of my brother, Liam. His crisp white shirt peaks strategically through an Armani Navy suit that is tailored to perfection. His exquisite wife most likely gave him a blow job before his morning coffee, then he would have kissed his unnaturally well-behaved children goodbye before getting into his black Mercedes-AMG Coupe and making it to the office in impeccable timing. Pft... His life is so pathetically perfect. It makes me sick.

“Late as usual.” Liam raises his eyebrows with a pleased grin. I want to punch the smugness right out of him.

My father's eyes cut to mine. “Roman, this is unacceptable. When I say nine am sharp, I mean get your ass here by eight. Your brother has been here since six this morning tying up all your loose ends from Peter's case yesterday.” He lowers his head, shaking it with disappointment.

Yep, that's me, a big fat disappointment.

“Actually, Father, I was here until three this morning finishing Peter's case I’m late this morning because I was chasing a new lead that can ensure we win.”

The old man slams his hand on the table and gives me another disapproving glare.

“Dammit, Roman, why didn’t you call me with this?” he lets out a long-frustrated sigh. “You can’t just go around Boston on your own chasing possible leads. We have people for that. You are going to get yourself killed being so reckless.”

“I took Charles with me,” I correct him. “Despite what you may think of me, I am not that stupid.”

“Well?” he changes his tone. “What became of it? Can we use them?”

“The Judge will not accept a new witness this late in the case,” Liam pipes in.

“Like hell, he won’t. It surprises me he can even walk around straight with how much cash we line his pockets with.” I look at Liam with confidence and little pretension. “He will accept the witness.”

“Good,” My father approves. “Now, on a separate matter, we have the mayor’s fundraiser on Saturday night. Your assistants have been given all the details; I expect you both to be in attendance. I can’t express to you enough, Roman, that you need to be on your best behavior. Marcus Knight will be one of the guests, and we are yet to win him over. This will be a very important opportunity that you cannot...” He lowers his eyebrows at me. “I repeat. Cannot screw up.”

“You say that like I am an embarrassment to you. Need I remind you, Father, I am the one who won his son over last winter. Judas Knight was a big kink in our chain, and I...” I accentuate, “I was the one who got him on our payroll.”

“That may be so, Roman, but” my father glares at me with contempt as he repeats my words, “need I remind you that you also slept with his wife, after the fact.”
