Page 10 of Judge

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I swallow the thick lump in my throat and will myself to respond. “I’m his sister, and I’m responsible for him. He’s just a kid. Please?”

“Is that so?” He grins at me, flashing his gold-capped teeth. “I’m not even going to ask you how the fuck you got out here, but I’m curious to know what the hell you thought you were going to achieve by doing so?” He shakes his head and smiles as though he is enjoying himself. “Silly, silly girl.”

“I’m... I’m sorry,” I stutter. I’m so goddamn scared; I can’t even speak properly. “But he is my brother,” I repeat myself as tears burn my cheeks.

Blue Jeans lowers his brows, and they pull together in a frightening way. “Well, your brother has been stealing money from me.” He takes a step closer. “And you,” the gun he’s holding pushes into the side of my face, “silly girl, just made it so much easier to show your brother just how serious I am about getting it back.”

I look over to Austin, his lower lip quivering. I don’t know if he hasn’t spoken to defend me because he is in too much pain or simply just too fucking scared. Although, I should feel the knife wound in my back. the remorse and regret in his eyes stab me straight in the heart. He not only put his own life in jeopardy, but mine too. Lowering his head with shame, I close my eyes, feeling every piece of it too.

All the long hours I put in to keep a roof over our heads. Every sacrifice I made so he could finish school. Every goddamn tear I shed for him. The guilt I carry for not doing better, not giving him better, all for what? All for this moment where I sacrifice myself for him, yet again. I should have walked away. I should have let him fix this on his own. But of course, my heart wouldn’t allow it.

The cold metal of the gun presses so hard into my temple that it throbs rhythmically with my rapidly beating heart. I begin to sweat. Hot tears burn my eyes as my captor's hands dig bruising into my arms. What a fitting ending this will be to my sad sorry life. Tragic, meaningless, and insignificant.

I almost welcome it. Death.

In death, I would be unchained from this prison of my life and all its never-ending burdens. No longer would I need to defend myself from its cruel and bitter bite. Yet, in the far distance, there’s this fire inside of me that pushes those thoughts away. That small spark of aspiration. That constant need to prove to myself that I’m not my circumstances; I’m so much more. Then there is my brother. I can’t leave him alone. What would become of him?

“Whoa, Moretti, take it easy,” the man behind me says. “She’s harmless. I can make a building inspection report disappear easily, but a dead body is a lot more difficult to defend.”

Wait a minute. My eyes open immediately. I know that voice. It’s so familiar, though I can’t put a name to it. I inhale deeply, concentrating on his scent. It’s so distinct. It jars my memory.

It’s the same scent and voice from that man at the major’s function that I waitressed for a few weekends ago. The same man, that was sweet and kind to me when I cut my finger. The same man that I have had dirty dreams about for weeks. Surely, it can’t be.

“Indie?” he says my name softly as though he is unsure if he’s right. His warm breath tickles my neck, sending alarming shivers down my body. I still can’t see him, but now he has said my name. I know it is him.

“You have to help me, please?” I whimper, feeling pathetic and desperate.

“You know this girl?” Moretti formally known as Blue Jeans asks. Although looking surprised, he doesn’t lower the gun but does remove it from my face.

“How much does her brother owe you?” my white knight answers his question with a question.

“At least 10k,” he answers quickly.

I suck in a sharp breath. Ten thousand dollars? What have you done, Austin? Any hope I had of fixing this just flew down the alley and into the cold night air. Fuck! I couldn’t possibly pay that amount of money back. What even did Austin do with all that money? We are screwed.

“I will pay the debt for the boy, and you will let him go. I know his sister and will make sure this is handled discreetly.

What? Why would he do that for me? He’s met me once for two minutes.

Moretti’s eyebrows wrinkle with distaste. Clearly not happy with my white knight’s proposal.

“This is the best outcome for all involved. Wouldn’t you agree?” I can feel the power in his voice. The control, assertiveness, and absolute confidence. This man is skilled with his persuasion. “You get your money, Indie and her brother get to live, and I get out of having to clean up another one of your messes.”

Moretti’s eyes shift from mine to my brother’s as he deliberates his decision, then albeit reluctantly, he finally lowers his gun. I let out a huge sigh of relief, although my heart is still beating rapidly, I feel calmer and safer in the arms of my white knight.

Clenching his jaw, Moretti turns to Austin. “If I see you within ten miles of my club, your sister will be identifying your body at the city morgue. You got it, kid?”

Austin nods, but the fear has gone from his eyes, animosity and bitterness have taken its place.

Moretti orders his goons to let go of my brother, and I watch as Austin falls to the concrete, holding his side grimacing. I take a step to run to him, but I am still being held tightly.

“This is your problem now.” Moretti points at me, but he looks at the man behind me... my rescuer. “I’ll be in my office when you’re done here.” With that said, he walks back into the club. The grip on my arms loosens, and I’m free. Even though I should turn and thank my savior, my first instinct is to go to my brother’s aid.

“Austin,” I cry out, bending down to him on the concrete to comfort him. Austin shoves me away.

“I’m okay. You don’t have to baby me.” He struggles to stand, so I back off and let him do it himself. I think it’s a pride thing. “What are you even doing here? I could have handled this myself,” he remarks, coming to his feet.

My mouth drops wide open. What the fuck, Austin. Are you serious?
