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I’m about to say something back when a voice from behind me says sternly, “You should have more respect for your sister, Austin. She was prepared to sacrifice herself for you.” I look behind me, and all my breath leaves me at once just at the sight of him. Dressed in a navy-blue tailored suit, he is striking. He looks just as attractive as I remembered him to be. Maybe even more. His eyes regard me so softly while I melt into the concrete.

“I didn’t ask her to,” Austin replies, malice evident in his tone.

“No. You would’ve let her die to save your own stupid thieving ass.” His expression hardens.

“Do you have any idea who you were stealing from, kid?” He points back at the club. “Leo Moretti is not a man to cross, and neither am I. So, I suggest you alter that attitude of yours, or you’ll end up rotting in that dumpster behind you.”

“I’m so sorry,” I interrupt. “Please excuse my brother. I think he’s just in shock or something. He doesn’t mean to be rude.”

“Stop defending him, Indie. He needs to realize the severity of this situation he has put you both in.” My white knight’s forehead creases, and his eyes turn dark. “And you.” He points at me. “You’re lucky that I was here to intervene, otherwise this could have turned out badly for the both of you. What the hell were you even thinking getting involved?”

I stare at him. I know he is right, but does he have to be so damn rude about it. I feel like I’m getting in trouble with the principle at school, being belittled and chastised for my bad behavior.

“Thank you,” is all I can say. “Thank you for helping us.” I lower my head, feeling repentant. “I don’t know how I’m going to repay you the money.” I can’t look at him. I’m so ashamed, so embarrassed, so fucking disparaged.

There’s a moment of stagnant silence before he finally speaks. “I’m in need of another assistant. You’ll work for me at my office until your brother's debt is paid off in full,” he advises and then turns to my brother. “And you’re going to keep yourself out of trouble because I won’t be around to save you next time.”

Austin gives a subtle nod and keeps his mouth shut. Thank God.

“Thank you,” I say again. My body is shaking so badly that my teeth start to chatter. I think the shock is setting in.

“Take your brother home,” he says, handing me a business card. “I’ll see you at nine am sharp Monday morning.” The corner of his mouth lifts almost mischievously like he is enjoying this way too much. “Don’t make the mistake of disappointing me, Indie. I own you until every last cent is paid back. If you don’t show up on Monday, I will find you, and it will have a very different ending to the one here tonight. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.” I swallow down the bitterness rising in my throat and watch as his smug ass turns and walks back into the club.

How does a man go from a knight on a white horse to a devil on a dark demon.

Chapter Eight


I KNEW IT WAS HER THE moment I saw those blue eyes. They’re so fucking sad. It was unmistakably the same girl from the mayor's function last month. I saw her inside the club taking photographs and watched her intrigued as she snuck into the back staff area. My first thoughts were that Moretti had hired her to take photos of the club. But when she hurried through the staff door like her life was dependent on it, I knew something was off.

Surely, it can’t be a coincidence. I’ve lived in the city my entire life and have never once seen her. Now I’ve seen her twice in the same month. It’s like the universe is trying to tell me something. I strongly believe there’s a purpose to particular times and places in our lives. The people we meet, and the paths we choose. I followed her, invested in my curiosity. Yet, not in a million years, would I have expected that she was in danger.

Some people have this aura about them, and Indie, she just has good girl written all over her. Turns out, I was right. It’s her brother that’s the troublemaker.

Admittedly, Indie’s bravery is impressive. The way she didn’t hesitate to try and help her brother at the expense of endangering herself, shows her courage Nevertheless, to have a gun held to her head and her not beg for her life or crumble into a million pieces, either shows her incredible strength or her carelessness for her own life.

I wanted to beat the living shit out of Indie’s brother myself after hearing his crappy attitude and seeing the way he treated his sister. So, I don’t blame Moretti for his actions, but I wasn’t going to make Indie pay for her brother’s mistakes.

Most people deserve a second chance. I say most because I have met some pretty questionable people, and their crimes are brutal. If it wasn’t my job, I’d happily let them pay the price for their sins. Most ordinary people, however, are stupid, and just fuck up. I believe these people deserve some mercy. Austin fits into that category. He’s just a kid. He made a mistake. One I’d hope he would learn a big lesson from; yet, judging from his attitude tonight, I’m not so sure. If that kid is not pulled into line, he’s going to find himself in more trouble, and there’ll be no saving him.

You could say it’s in my nature in a way, to help people. The people I help though are crooks, and I help them get out of crimes they should pay for. I could be convincing in saying I was helping Moretti in this situation, but in truth, it was Indie I was saving. My chest feels heavy at even the thought of caring for somebody other than myself. That part of me died alongside my mother a long time ago. Yet, I can’t ignore the fact something is stirring inside me again when Indie is in my presence. I can’t explain it, and I sure as hell don’t want to dissect it. Feelings bring pain, suffering, and torment. So why? Why do I allow her to get into my head? Why did I feel an uncontrollable need to protect her?

Shaking off my thoughts, I straighten my shoulders and head back into the club.

“What the fuck was that, Moretti?” I slap a cheque for ten thousand on his desk.

“The kid needed to know he can’t be taking an extra cut.” Moretti crosses his arms over his chest. “He stole from me, and I was setting an example to anyone else who thinks they can help themselves to a piece of my pie.”

“I understand that, but his sister was just trying to defend her brother. That was unnecessary. He’s just a kid.”

“That kid.” Moretti points toward the door. “Will grow into a man. A man that won’t survive long in this world if he keeps pissing off the wrong kind of people. I wasn’t going to kill him, just scare him.”

“Well, you succeeded.” I raise my brows at him.

“No, I didn’t!” he corrects me, raising his brows. “I know the kid is not the mastermind behind the theft; he was just the stupid one that got caught. I was trying to beat the other names out of him. The kid maybe be dumb, but he is loyal to whoever he is working for.”
