Page 30 of Judge

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“What the fuck are these?” he yells, not giving her time to answer before he continues. “Because they sure as hell are not papers I needed for today’s hearing.”

June’s skin turns a darker shade of pink as her lips tremble. “I am sorry, Sir. I must have got them mixed up somehow.”

“You’re sorry!” Romans' hands ball into fists by his side. “You're sorry? Tell that to the entire courtroom of people whose time you wasted today because I had to get an adjournment. It was fucking embarrassing, June!” he snaps. “You’re fucking embarrassing!”

June's mouth drops open, and so does mine. What the actual hell? Who does he think he is, barging in here and speaking to her like this? I know it’s his office, but that does not give him the right to be such a jerk.

“I don’t know what happened. I... I,” June stumbles her words, clearly shaken by the way she is being yelled at. Her bottom lip is trembling, and she is holding her hands together tightly.

“Oh, I can tell you what happened. You are ten years past your retirement, is what has happened. I have been patient and accommodating with you, June, but I cannot have it be at the expense of someone's case or my company. Leave my office. Retirement has just landed in your lap.”

“Roman.” I stand from my chair, not caring at all that I just called him by his first name in front of June.

He points his finger at me. “You sit the fuck down!” he yells at me before storming off into his office. He just pointed his friggin finger at me! What the absolute hell? Oh, now I’m mad. My blood is so hot and thick right now; I feel like I will implode at any second.

June grabs her bag, shaking, and sniffles back her tears.

“Oh, June,” I say quietly. “I’m so sorry.”

“It is probably for the best, dear,” she utters, taking a look around the reception area. “I know I have outstayed my time here. The last thing I want is for Mr. Judge to continue covering for me. I just...” Her head drops. “I just...” She can’t seem to get the words out that she’s trying to say.

I place my hand on her shoulder. “It’s hard to let go.” I offer her a small smile. “I understand, you’ve given half your life to this place.”

She nods and removes her glasses, wiping a tear from her eye. Suddenly, she looks so much older, so fragile, and it makes me so incredibly sad. This woman that has dedicated so much of her life to something should have an elaborate farewell party. She should retire with dignity and grace. Not like this. This is not right.

“You know, my father worked hard his whole life, and the year after he retired, he died. I saw him become weak. He had nothing to do with all his time, and he just wasted away. I didn't want that to be me. “

“June, you have grandbabies to keep you busy now. Go and enjoy them. You deserve it.”

She smiles at me through her tears. “You're right. I’ll do just that.”

“You take care of yourself, June. Thank you for all your help here, I appreciate you,” I say, and as annoying as she is, I’m going to miss the silly old thing.

As soon as she leaves and the door closes, I barge into Roman’s office. He doesn’t deserve a knock. Oh no, he deserves everything I am about to throw at him.

“What the hell is the matter with you? How could you speak to June like that? She made a mistake. People make mistakes.” I place my hands on my hips and stand in front of his desk. My cheeks are burning; I’m so damn mad.

“That mistake could cost this company a client of twenty years. She should have been shown the door a long time ago.” He stands from his chair and leans his hands on his desk, leaning forward a little like he is trying to intimidate me. He does, but I’m too fire-burning mad right now to back down.

“Maybe so, but you didn’t have to be so horrible to her. She’s given over half her life to this firm. She did not deserve that.”

“It was the only way. June would have died before she left this place. I have done her a favor by firing her.”

“Your delusional if you think that justifies how you acted. That was by far the most disgusting behavior I have ever seen. You should be ashamed. That woman deserves a proper send off, a retirement party, and a goddamn thank you. But oh, wait a minute, you’re Roman friggin Judge. You're better than everyone else. You don’t need to show anyone any decency or consideration. No, you just demand respect from everyone!” The words spew out of my mouth uncontrollably. My hands are shaking, my mouth is dry, and my heart is beating so fast it feels as though it will rip through my chest and fall onto the floor.

“Excuse me?” Who the hell do you think you are, barging into my office and speaking to me like this.” He stands tall now; his brows are so raised they are almost hitting his hairline. He awoke the beast in me, and I will not apologize or back down. Roman Judge, you have met your match!

“I’m not afraid of you. If you think for one second you can silence me. Think again! You are just a sad cold-hearted asshole, and I will call you for exactly what you are.”

Roman’s eyes turn black, and I suddenly don’t feel so brave. If looks could kill, I would be six feet under right now.

“You honestly think I give a shit what you think of me? In fact, get out of my office and get back to work. Stop wasting my time with your fucking Mary Poppins self-righteousness.” He folds his arms across his chest and stares straight into my soul. He thinks I’ll crumble. Oh, how wrong he is. I mimic his stance, folding my arms and straightening my spine, staring right back at him.

“I’m not leaving this office until you agree to let me organize a retirement party for June, and you call her and apologize for your appalling behavior.”

“I don’t have time for your silly games, Indie. Get out. I’m not apologizing for anything.”

I remain, staring at him as I sit down casually in the chair across from his desk. He stares back. You could hear a pin drop in the room; it’s so quiet. I can see him deliberating with himself. A small flicker of doubt, and then he is back to his cold hard stare again.
