Page 33 of Judge

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“Are they real diamonds?” she asks so softly it’s almost a whisper.

“They are,” I answer. “Here, let me help you.” I hold my hand out to her, and she passes me the necklace. “Turn around.”

I step closer to her, placing the necklace around her and clasping it into place. I’m so close to her that she would be able to feel my breaths on her neck. She smells sweet like plums and vanilla. Running a finger over the chain, my pinkie smooths over her collarbone at the same time until I reach the diamond pendant. Her skin is so fucking soft; I can’t breathe. I swallow thickly as I feel her chest rising and falling heavily from my touch. Her eyes close, and her head tilts back slightly. It would be so easy to kiss her right now.

“Perfect,” I say softly in her ear. “You're perfect.”

She jolts, spinning around to face me, eyes glassy and breaths rapid. “Is this your way of apologizing?”

“Perhaps.” I hint a smile.

She smiles wide and utterly fabulous as she touches the diamond necklace with her hand. “Well, I hope you got June one too.” Her eyes sparkle with playfulness, and it nearly has me buckling at the knees.

I laugh at her. “June will have a sweet retirement fund; she doesn’t need diamonds.”

Chapter Twenty -Two


AS WE WALK INTO THE function room on the nineteenth floor of Judge & Sons’ office building, I suck in a breath, taking in the elaborate decorations and effort that has gone into this party. Roman didn’t just give June a dull retirement send-off, he’s gone all out, and it looks amazing. I turn to him and smile. It’s a winning grin, to be more specific. I got to him. My words got under his skin, and I can’t explain how good that feels.

“You called her, didn’t you?”

“Maybe,” he replies, looking unamused.

I can’t contain my satisfaction. I’m practically glowing with it. “Oh, don’t be a sore loser.”

“I didn’t pick you for the cocky type.” He groans.

“I didn’t think you had a heart or a conscious, so I guess were both surprised.”

He turns and looks at me; his face is serious now. “It’s only since you.”

I stare into his eyes. They’re soft and lighter than I’m used to seeing. My heart pounds heavily in my chest at his confession. What does that mean? What am I supposed to say to that?

“Roman.” A voice calls, breaking us from our trance. We both look over at the same time as a young man walks over smiling.

“What the hell are you doing here, Corban.” Roman extends his arms out and hugs the man. He looks like he’s in his early twenties, at the most, and extremely good-looking. In fact, he looks like a younger version of Roman.

“You didn’t think I would miss saying goodbye to June, did you? She’s practically like my grandma.”

“I actually recall her changing a few of your diapers.”

“Ew, Roe, don’t say that. Now, you’ve gone and made it all awkward.”

Roman laughs. Whoever this young man is, it’s clear he has Roman’s favor and respect. I’ve not seen Roman so relaxed and happy before, and I didn’t miss the nickname either. I like this Roman. This less serious and playful side of him. I honestly didn’t think he was capable of it.

“Oh, sorry. I’m being rude,” the young man says. “I’m Corban, Roman’s baby brother.”

“Indie,” I reply with a half-smile, feeling like I’m the third wheel. “Nice to meet you.”

“She’s Roman’s new assistant.” A deep voice interrupts. An older man comes to stand by Corban. His eyes slowly undress me head to toe. I want to vomit. He gives me the ick vibe, and I immediately don’t like him.

Roman stiffens. His whole aura changes in a millisecond.

“Oh, so you are taking over for June. That’s some big shoes to fill,” Corban pipes in.

The air is suddenly thick. The old man’s eyes are still prowling over me. I want to speak, but no words come out. Roman can be intimidating, at the best of times, but whoever this man is, I’m petrified. There’s a certain energy that people give off like Corban, who has a friendly and charming energy, unlike this old man’s, whose aura gives me chills. I don’t like it one bit.
