Page 34 of Judge

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“She’s doing an amazing job. No one is irreplaceable. Isn’t that what you taught me, Father,” Roman addresses the old man, and oh shit, that’s his dad. It’s like the universe just aligned and everything suddenly became clear. It makes so much sense now why Roman is the way he is. He’s got daddy issues, big time!

“Would you excuse me?” I say to the three men. “I’m going to go and find June.”

Roman doesn’t acknowledge me. He’s busy staring holes into his father, but Corban smiles and nods.

I quickly walk away, taking big gulps of air with me. That was intense. I need a drink. I grab a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and take a long overdue mouthful. I’m not much of a drinker. Well actually, I’ve never been able to afford alcohol, so I savor the bubbles as they slide down my throat. Whatever this is, it’s delicious and has me quickly grabbing another glass.

Looking around the room, I see a lot of faces from the office. They’re all standing in their clicky groups, chatting and chuckling away. I feel like a fish out of water. The events people have done an outstanding job; it must have cost an absolute fortune.

Large white urns filled with the most exquisite white and pastel pink flowers are scattered across the room. Fairy lights twined meticulously through baby’s breath, and vines hang from the ceiling like bursts of a beautiful glowing forest. Waitstaff busy themselves walking around with trays of drinks and canapes, and it feels strange that, for once, I’m the guest and not the help.

I catch my reflection in one of the mirrored beams and smile at myself. I have to admit I do scrub up alright. I barely recognize myself. I’ve never felt so beautiful. When this dress arrived at my doorstep this morning, I was so surprised. I thought that Roman would have picked out a dress that revealed a lot more than I’d care to show. However, I just adore it. The lace is sophisticated and classy. Looking at it, you would think it would be scratchy and irritate your skin, but it’s so soft. I have to keep running my fingers across my arms to make sure it’s still there. I understand now why wealthy people have a certain confidence in them. When you're wearing expensive clothes and are all done up in a place like this, a natural fortitude takes you over. I may not fit in here, but I sure look the part.

I find June and meet her family. I definitely feel more comfortable on this side of the room. Her children are sweet and warm people, making me feel less out of place here. Every time I look over at Roman, he’s watching me. I don’t know whether to hold his stare or look away. There is a hunger in his eyes that scares me. It makes me feel nervous and weak, yet full of energy at the same time.

“Hearts are always going to do what they want to do. Even when your head tries hard to stop it.” June stands beside me, looking at me like my dog just died and she was assigned to tell me the bad news.

“Pardon.” I furrow my brows. Maybe she’s had too much champagne because she is making no sense right now. Her eyes move from mine to Roman’s direction, then back at me.

“Oh,” I say, realizing what she’s implying. “Oh no, nothing is going on.” My cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Maybe not, but that man has his eye on you. Be careful, dear. I’ve known Roman since he was a baby. He’s dangerous and selfish. That boy is incapable of loving anything other than a victory.”

I cock my head towards her. I’m offended for Roman, but I respect what she’s trying to do. June is warning me. How can she see it though, this invisible pull that’s between us, when I can’t figure it out myself?

“Maybe if his sweet mother was still around, he may not have turned out so much like his father.”

“There’s nothing happening between us,” I repeat, feeling as though I need to defend myself. “Nor will there be in the future. Mr. Judge is my boss, and I’m sure you’ve noticed, he’s also a big asshole.”

June laughs. “Oh, I will miss you, darling girl. You have the gentleness of souls and the strangest sense of humor. Just remember who you are and what you value; never let the darkness in that man creep into your soul. He will ruin you, Indie, and that, my dear, would be a shame.” She walks away, leaving me standing alone with nothing but my champagne and bewildered expression.

“Hey there, Indie.” Oliver, the head of the litigation department, approaches me. “Don’t you look dashing this evening?” His thick British accent is sexy as hell. He’s not so bad on the eyes either. I don’t see much of him as he is on a different floor than Roman’s, but I met him on my first day in the elevator. He’s charming and friendly, not like most of the staff here. “This dress is something else.”

“Thank you.” I smile, suddenly feeling awfully shy.

A waiter walks past, and Oliver takes two glasses from the tray and hands me one. “How are you finding it at Judge & Sons? Roman is a bit of a handful, is he not?”

“Nothing I can’t manage,” I tell him, confused at how our conversation went from my dress to Roman. Why the hell does everyone want to talk about Roman? I look over at the very man of discussion and take a sip of champagne. He’s looking at me again, and it’s making me feel uncomfortable. His hungry eyes have turned possessive and dark as he looks at Oliver and then back to me.

“Maybe so, but I don’t know if he can manage you.” Oliver’s eyes dance over the lace covering my chest as he bites in his bottom lip.

“Um, what do you mean?” I say defensively, suddenly finding this man less sexy by the second.

“Roman has gone through more assistants than I can count. He has trouble keeping his hands on his desk.” He leans into me and winks. “If you get my drift.” I think Oliver has had his fill of champagne as the last parts of his words have begun to slur. “I’m sure you can handle yourself, though.” He looks over to Roman who is now looking at us both like we are about to be fired.

“Unless,” Oliver smirks raising his brows, “you want to be handled.”

“Excuse me?” I look at him, completely horrified. “I think you’ve had enough of that.” I take the champagne glass from his hand and step closer to him. “Unless you want this poured over your head in front of all your colleagues, I suggest you go home. You're way out of line.”

I point my head in the direction of Roman. Oliver looks over to him and can see he is watching us intently. “I think the only person that is about to be handled is you. So, I’d leave quickly if I were you.”

Oliver swallows back whatever he wants to say as his eyes narrow at me as though he is daring me to do it. I hold up his glass to him and tip it to the side slightly. He looks back at Roman who is now on his way over to us.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you. You’ll see. You will leave here in tears, just like the rest of them.” Oliver walks away quickly.

Seriously, what the hell? I swallow back tears that sting in my eyes. Looking around me, I see a few doors open that lead out to a balcony I’d never noticed this building had. I make a beeline for them, suddenly needing air and lots of it.

The crisp night air licks my skin, cooling the heat inside me instantly. I suck in a thick breath of air and then another. Holy shit. If June can see something is happening between Roman and I, and Oliver assumes, because apparently, Roman is a male whore, then what must everyone in the office be thinking? Great! I can hear the gossip now. I feel dirty and cheap.
