Page 36 of Judge

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“Is Austin home?”

I mock a laugh. “He’s seventeen, and it’s a Saturday night. I very much doubt it.”

“I’ll walk you in then.”

“No.” I turn slightly towards him. “No. Whatever this is, it ends here. Whatever games you're playing with me, they stop now. No more diamonds, no more chaperones, no more dresses.” I take my hand out from under his. “I owe you a debt, nothing more. Just let me pay it and let this be done.”

He just stares at me as though he is looking into my soul and tearing pieces from it. Why does it hurt so much to look at him? How does he invoke so much emotion from me with one simple look?

Turning off the car, he ignores my request and gets out without saying a word. My door opens a few seconds later.

“Come on. At least let me walk you to the door of your building.”

I step out of the car, ignoring the hand he has extended out for me. He leans forward into me, pushing the door closed and backing me up so my ass hits the closed door. I lose my footing a little, but his hand reaches around my waist, and he pins himself to me to steady me. Our chests are touching; we are so close. Too close, yet not close enough. I inhale his poison, the scent I just can’t resist, knowing how lethal it’s for me.

Suddenly, I can’t breathe. Nothing else exists around us. The usual busy Boston back street; quiet as a mouse. The crowd of teenagers that are walking by; invisible. Even the high-pitched squealing sound of a baby crying in one of the bottom-floor apartments fades as the night sky opens up and swallows us whole. The only sound I hear is the thundering beats of my heart vibrating through my whole body.

“You think I am playing games with you?” he whispers in my ear, his breath on my neck sending delicious shivers down my entire body. The light dusting of stubble on his cheek brushes over my jaw, making my heart pick up a new beat so damn fast, I think I might pee myself. Tracing his thumb over the diamond on my collarbone, I hear his heavy breaths, his need for my surrender.

“I’m not stupid, Roman. The money I owe you means nothing to you. So, why else are you putting me through this torture if not for your own entertainment.”

Roman pulls back, his eyes narrow for a moment before they soften again. “Being near me is torture?” His tongue slides along his bottom lip before his teeth bite into it. “That sounds like an admission you feel something for me.”

“Yes,” I reply, tipping my head up to his. The heat between us is melting the crisp night air to almost boiling point. “I do feel something for you.” I tilt my head, so my lips almost graze the side of his. “It’s called animosity.”

I hear a soft growl come from the back of Roman’s throat as he shifts his head away from mine slightly, eyes full of hunger and frustration. His fingers dig into my waist; his breath burns my skin as he stares at me for the longest time.

“There’s more than that, Indie, and you know it.” He cocks his head. “Now who is playing games?”

“The bad far outweighs any good, Roman,” I answer quickly, trying to ignore the fact I can’t fucking breathe with him this close to me.

“I can be very persuasive in changing people’s minds.” He leans back towards me. I know he is going to kiss me. I feel the energy between us. He releases one hand from around my waist and brings it to my face, tracing the side of my cheek.

“Please stop,” I implore, halting him. His eyes show me every dirty thing he wants to do to me. Every lustful, naughty thought written all over them. Part of me wants to let him. The wetness in my panties almost begs for it. The tremble in my knees and the dryness of my throat all taunt me to give in to him and let him win this silly game. But the other part of me screams caution It waves the bright red flags in my face, and ices over my heart.

“I’m not another one of your assistants that you fuck then fire when it becomes old. I pull my hands from his grip. He reluctantly allows it but doesn’t step back. I’m still wedged between him and his car.

“I would never treat you like that, and I am offended you would think that.”

I huff a laugh. “I doubt that very much. Like you actually give a shit what I think of you It’s all just a game to you anyway.”

“No games, Indie. I needed an assistant. You clearly needed the money. I’m not a man who gives leniency or charity to those I don’t feel deserving. And, I’m certainly not the type of man who feels the need to explain myself either. Yet I couldn’t, even if I wanted to. I can’t explain why I care so much about what you think of me.”

“That’s heavy.” I raise a brow. “Especially for you.”

“You mean, especially for someone like me,” he says with quietness in his eyes and a hint of sadness in the pit of his words.

“You could always prove me wrong.” I offer him a rueful smile, but he doesn’t return it. I use his moment of weakness to step away from him and begin walking to my building door. He doesn’t follow, and when I turn back to look at him before opening the door, he’s leaning on the side of his car, arms folded in front of his chest, just watching me.

“Goodnight, Judge. Thanks for the ride.”

I make my way into my apartment and close the door, sighing heavily as I lean against it. Life would be easy if everything were black and white, but I’m stuck in the grey zone; smack bang in the middle. The black and white says Roman is not a good man. He’s arrogant, manipulative, and defends criminals. He’s abrupt, rude, and cocky at the best of times. It infuriates me how good he is at what he does. Smooth talker, persuasive, intimidating. Roman knows what he wants and does whatever it takes, no matter the cost. Yet, Roman unveiled some of himself to me tonight, the grey parts, all the shades that lie within the black and white. His vulnerability. When his father approached us, his whole energy shifted. His shoulders dropped, and his eyes lowered. His reaction, albeit small, made him more human to me than he could ever realize. He fears his dad. For a person who prides himself on reading other people’s body language, he sure didn’t do a good job hiding his from me. There is a story there between them, and it doesn’t belong in the black-and-whites of life. It’s complicated and complex, explaining so much about the man underneath that hardened steel.

The clothes, the necklace, and the generous pay checks are a contradiction to who this man is deep in his core. Even the simple gesture of having his driver pick me up each day for work, makes no sense, but it seems I am not the only one confused. Roman’s words echo through my mind, over and over, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I can’t explain why I care so much about what you think of me. How could I try to dissect this man when he can’t even be honest with himself?

“MISS JOHNSON.” ROMAN storms through the glass doors, looking pissed in my direction. “My office. Now!” He continues to walk as he speaks. The vibration in his tone, causing my hands to tremble. Roman can be scary on the best of days, and well, today does not seem to be one of those good days.

Stumbling to my feet, I scurry into his office. The door bangs closed behind me as Roman backs me into it. His lips are on mine before I can even process what the hell is happening. Hot, hungry, and wet, he kisses me with a fever I can’t ignore. It’s possessive and so damn intense I can’t fucking breathe.
