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“What the hell was that all about? Are you alright?”

I don’t turn around; I don’t need to. I know that voice too well.

“I think Oliver’s just had a little too much to drink. I’m okay,” I reply, keeping my eyes fixated on nightlights littering the Boston streets.

“What did he say to you? You’re clearly upset, Indie.”

I freeze as I feel his hand touch the small of my back and work its way up. In any other circumstance, it would be comforting.

“Don’t touch me,” I snap, turning to face him. “Don’t you ever touch me.”

He takes a step back and puts his hands in the air like I've got a gun held to him.

“Whoa, sweetheart,” he says softly and way too calmly. “Talk to me. What’s going on?”

“Don’t call me that,” I snap again as I curse the tear that falls down my cheek. Damn you.

“I’ll have him dealt with if he laid a single finger on you. I swear, Indie. You tell me what happened. Now.” He lowers his hands and takes a step back toward me.

“Because that’s what you do, isn’t, Roman? Fix everyone’s indiscretions.”

“What happened, Indie? Did he touch you?” Roman cocks his head to the side as he regards me offensively.

I shake my head. “No, he didn’t.”

“Then what has you all shaken up?”

I rub my temples, feeling an enormous headache coming on. Maybe it’s the champagne I’m not used to, or perhaps, it’s the noise of everyone's warnings to me tonight. Maybe it’s just I am too overwhelmed with everything. The clothes, the excessive pay check, the chauffeur. But as I look up and into Roman’s eyes, I know it’s because of him.

“Please,” I implore. “I just want to go home. Can you have Pharrell take me home, please?” I feel like a child saying it, but I don’t care how pathetic I sound. I just want out of this place and away from these people and their judgments.

He nods and holds out his hand. “I’ll take you.”

“No.” I shake my head again. “There’s already enough office gossip about you and your assistants.”

Roman stiffens where he stands. “Why would you care what these stuck-up assholes think?” He lets out a sigh and takes my hand in his. “They would all murder their own kin if it meant they got a promotion. You are so much better than them. Let them talk.”

“No.” I pull my hand from his. “I’m angry with you too. What are you trying to do here, Roman?” I touch the necklace around my neck and hold the pendant up to him. “It’s all too much.”

He smirks. “That,” he points at the necklace, “is as close to an apology you will ever get from me. Nothing more, nothing less. If it’s too much and you don’t like it, sell it and buy yourself a car or something.”

“A car?” I scoff. “I could buy a car with this?” It’s not really a question; it’s more of a statement, a friggin shocking statement. I have diamonds around my neck that are a worth a damn car. It feels so heavy all of a sudden. My breathing intensifies, and I feel hot, really hot. I think I’m about to have a panic attack.

Roman wraps his hand around my arm softly. “It wouldn’t be near as fancy as my car, but I’m sure you could get something small and decent.” He grins at me. He’s trying to distract me. To make light of the fact I’m about to goddamn faint.

“Come on. Let’s go. You can still be mad at me the whole way back to your place, but I am taking you home, and I’m not arguing with you about it.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


I’M SO MAD AND CONFUSED right now, I can’t even speak. The whole way home in Roman’s car I stare out my window and remain quiet. So does he, which makes me even more furious. Not that I have the energy to argue right now, but the silence is grating on my nerves.

I feel dirty and cheap. God, the way everyone was looking at me tonight. I can’t get it out of my head. They all assume I’m sleeping with Roman. Just like all his other assistants, by the sounds of things. I didn’t fall for the mirage of the diamonds and sell myself to the devil... but they don’t know that.

The car pulls up to the curb outside my building. I begin to take off my seatbelt, but Roman puts his hand over mine. His hand is large, warm, and surprisingly soft.

I let out an exhausted breath. “I’m tired. Let's not do this now, please,” I plea without looking at him.
