Page 45 of Judge

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I raise another brow.

“I’ll tell you right now how much you still owe if you tell me what’s really got your feathers ruffled. Otherwise, you’ll have it by the end of the day, like I said.” I’m stern with my tone this time. I’m starting to think I’m the pushover when it comes to her.

Indie’s eyes well with tears as she lowers her hands from her hips, looking deflated and just fucking sad.

“Fine,” she says softly, turning to leave.

I want to stop her. I want to know what’s eating her inside, but I also know that whatever it is, she’s not ready to tell me.

I HOVER OVER THE SEND button on my email, second-guessing whether to send it or not. Today just might be the day everything Indie has been holding back detonates. I know it’s not fair, and I hate myself for doing it, but I know she will not stay any other way. I cannot lose her. I will not let her go.

Inhaling a long breath, I hit send and then count backward from ten, waiting for Indie to barge into my office demanding answers. I get to two, and my door flings open as Indie storms through.

“How the hell do I owe you more than the original debt? Your email says I now owe you twenty-two thousand dollars.” Indie’s eyes blaze with fury, and her cheeks are crimson with rage.

“Interest,” I put it simply.

“Interest?” she replies in a high pitch. “You never once said anything about interest!”

I cock my head a little. “You never asked.”

“You're unbelievable.” She throws her hands in the air like she’s throwing something invisible away, perhaps her patience, judging by the redness in her cheeks.

“And you are too gullible and trusting.”

Indie’s eyes spark, her mouth gaping wide. “Excuse me?”

“When we first made this arrangement, you should have gotten something in writing. You should have asked what the conditions were.”

“Right, I see. I’ll remember that next time I have a gun held to my head and my brother is getting beaten to death.”

“I was not the one holding a gun to your head; you didn’t have to take the deal. Anything can be negotiated, Indie, no matter the circumstances.”

“Thanks for the lesson on how to be a lying, manipulating asshole.” Indie’s eyes bore into me like she’s ready to pounce.

“See it as a way to get ahead. Use this opportunity I’ve given you to pursue some dreams.”

Indie mocks a laugh. “I don’t have any dreams. I’ve never had that luxury to dare even think about it.”

“No, because you are too busy playing mom to your brother. Stop using that as an excuse, Indie.” Indie’s face turns a darker shade of pink. I’ve struck a nerve, and I’m a prick to admit that seeing her this worked up is fucking hot.

“It’s not an excuse - it’s reality.”

“No, the reality is you've been hiding behind your brother and your responsibilities for far too long.” I stand from my chair and walk over to her. She takes a step back, letting me know I’m too close. She always does that. Puts up a wall around herself. She builds it so high she’s crushing herself with it. “You finally have an opportunity to do something for yourself, but you're too afraid.” I step closer to her again, my eyes locking on her perfect pink lips.

“I am not afraid.” Her voice is breathy, hesitant, and soft.

I step forward again; she steps back. “Yes.” I take another step. “You.” And another. “Are.” She stumbles back a little, her ass hitting the door. She has nowhere left to go.

“Don’t you dare take another step,” she warns, her breaths coming fast and heavy. I love that I affect her like this. She’s been fighting it for months. Fighting me and this connection between us. I know she feels it. I will break her. She’s close to the edge, so dangerously close. I go take the last step forward to fill the space between us, but her jaw clenches, and she holds her palms out to me.

“I’m serious, Roman. Please don’t test me today.” Her bottom lip drops, and it tears me up inside that she’s so troubled. I fight the urge to reach out and trace my thumb along those full-pouting lips, but her sad baby blues staring back at me hold me in my place.

“Your photography is outstanding, Indie. You are really talented; you could honestly make something of yourself in your own right. You have the time now, so use it.”

“It takes more than talent and spare time to get anywhere in the industry. Unlike you, I don’t break the law, pay people off, and bend the rules to get ahead.”

Ouch. Nothing she’s saying about me is untrue. I’ve heard it a million times before, but coming from her, it actually bothers me. It actually hurts. I drop my hands and take a step back.
