Page 44 of Judge

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“Oh, I plan on getting to know you, little mouse. Keep playing hard to get.” He leans forward and licks the side of my face. “I like the chase, baby. It’s the best part.” He pushes his erection into my stomach. “It gets me hard as a fucking rock.”

I near vomit in my mouth as I reach down and grab him through his pants. I squeeze him so hard, digging my nails into the material until my fingers probably go purple from the force.

“Fuck!” Liam roars and backs up “You fucking bitch!” He slaps at my face but misses. I hit the button for the doors to open. Liam is too busy bending over holding his dick to stop me.

“You should never assume a mouse is meek and mild. Don’t you ever touch me again, or I will tell your brother what a piece of shit you are and let him deal with you.”

I push the button for the doors to open and step out of the elevator, cheeks flushed with rage and a whole lot of adrenaline. I’m met by a wide-eyed account executive, looking at me, and then at Liam doubled over in the elevator.

“Mr. Judge is feeling under the weather. I’d take the next elevator if I were you,” I say as I walk past him and straight into the female bathroom. My breathing is ragged as I close the door to a stall and burst into tears. What the hell? What the hell is wrong with these Judge men? I swallow thickly past my tears, trying to compose myself. With shaky hands, I use the toilet tissue to wipe away the tears that won't stop flowing.

Panic floods me. Should I tell Roman? Will Liam tell Roman what I did? But even through my anxious thoughts, I know with certainty that Liam is too much of a coward to say something to Roman. He knows that no matter which way he spins the story, it’ll make him look bad, and after the fear I saw he had for his brother at the hospital, he wouldn’t have the guts to approach Roman about this. So, should I? What would I even say? Your brother tried to hit on me in the elevator, so I crushed his balls? No matter what I say it won’t end well. Roman has a temper like a hurricane; he’d destroy his brother, no question.

I straighten myself up, take a deep breath, and leave the bathroom like nothing ever happened. Like my soul didn’t just shatter a little.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


INDIE STEPS INTO MY OFFICE, her blue eyes full of intention and confidence. Over the past few months, I’ve been able to witness the blooming of this beautiful woman. When she walked in here on that very first day, she was like a wilted, tired flower. The beauty was still beneath but had been neglected and worn, slowly dying from the inside out. Today though, her cheeks are fuller, her skin glows, and her eyes don’t look nearly as sad. The clothes I’d first bought her fit her snugly now, no longer falling off her tired bones. There’s confidence in her stance and an energy around her that was never there before.

“I would like to know how much I have paid off my debt to you?” she demands, her expression closed off and a tad hostile. Great, just what I need after the morning I’ve had, another problem to handle.

I stare at her for the longest moment. She’s well and truly paid off the debt. However, I’m not going to tell her that. And I’m certainly not going to tell her that I don’t care about the money; it was never about the money. It has always been about her.

Rubbing my hand over my newly grown beard, I raise a brow. “I’ll have to check and get back to you.” I’m taken by surprise at her request. In fact, I’ve given very little thought to her debt this past month, since I’ve been so preoccupied in my father’s absence. I need to keep finding ways to add to Indie’s debt; I doubt she would work for me of her own accord. She has been working for me for the past two months because she thinks she has to. I’m not too proud to admit that I don’t know how I can let her go. Besides the obvious, Indie has my schedule, hell, she’s organized my entire life. It’s gotten to a stage where she seems to know what I’m thinking and perceives what I need. She’s a damn good assistant and, in my eyes, irreplaceable. I know that I could offer her a ridiculous amount of money to stay and work for me, but I know Indie’s morals wouldn’t allow her to do that. I’m not an idiot. I know that Indie sees me as much of a criminal as the ones I defend.

Her mouth opens and then quickly snaps shut. I can’t bear the disappointment in her eyes. That’s when I see the slight redness around them like she has been crying.

“Is everything alright, Indie? Has something happened?” I ask, genuinely concerned.

“No. Everything is not alright!” she barks at me. Her hands come to her hips like she is arming herself for battle. “I need to know how much longer I need to be working for you and your corrupt friends.”

“Whoa...” I stand. “Back up a minute. Where is this coming from?”

“That man that was in here before... Kade. He looked like that cobra on his neck would come to life and suffocate me.”

“Did he say something to you?” I walk over to her in an attempt to calm her. She looks as if at any moment she will break and start throwing shit around my office. I’ve never seen her so frightened. Not even the night I found her and her brother in the alleyway.


“Sit,” I instruct.


“Sit the fuck down,” I demand this time.

“No!” She stands steadily and glares at me. “I am so tired of you men thinking you can bark orders at me, and I will just do as I’m told.”

“You men?” I question. “What men are you talking about, Indie? What the hell has happened?”

“Oh, I’ll tell you exactly what’s happened!” She’s fired up. “I’m done working for you. That’s what has happened. So, tell me how much I have left to pay off.”

I raise a brow. Indie still stands boldly with her hands on her hip. My eyes dip to the curves of it, making my mouth water and cock hard.

“I’ll have the figure ready for you by the end of the day.”

“That’s bullshit. You know exactly how much I still owe. I’m sick of everybody thinking I’m this weak little pushover.”
