Page 10 of Hard Burn

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Without words, Josh’s hand slides behind my back, and my entire body aches for his touch as he guides me out of the bar and into the wide expanse of lobby. Since it’s filled with people—apparently, there’s a wedding going on at the hotel too—he walks me out back into the night. The air is warm, as he leads me to the pool, quiet this time of night. Underwater lights create a romantic environment, and the rustling water soothes my ragged nerves.

He looks around, and I can’t seem to tear my gaze from his perfect face. “Are you okay?”

“I am,” I croak out.

He relaxes. “I was worried, Embee.”

Hearing him use my old nickname brings up so many warm, happy memories, and my throat tightens to the point of pain. I miss him so much; tears prick my eyes and I struggle to keep them contained.

I dig my nails into my palms, to get myself together. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just…” Don’t lie, Ember. Tell him the truth. “I was fangirling all over those romance authors and making a fool of myself. I needed to be rescued.”

“You read romance?”

“Yeah, to learn more about the genre.”

He angles his head, and he looks like he wants to question me on that. Does he spot my eyes so easily? Okay, it’s not really a lie. I am here to learn. The thesis part for a class, maybe that’s a little fib.

“I don’t know a lot about it. My grandmother used to read one a day. Remember that? It was those spicy ones on the rack, and they had that bright red color.”

“I remember,” I say with a laugh. “My grandmother read them too. Romance novels have come a long way since those days.”

“How so?”

“The heroines are strong, resilient, and don’t need rescuing. They fight for what they want, and novelists themselves are smart, savvy entrepreneurs who don’t get the respect they deserve.”

“Why the hell not?”

“That’s a question that I’d need hours to answer.”

He nods in understanding. “I’m sorry to hear that. Personally, I have all the respect in the world for them. I know I sure as hell couldn’t write a book.” He grins. “I can barely string two sentences together.”

I laugh. “I remember helping you with your English papers back in high school.”

“You’re way better at words than I am, Em, and maybe your thesis will help romance novelists get the respect they deserve.”

“Thanks,” I say, happy to hear him talking like that. For a brief minute, I think about telling him what I’m secretly doing in my spare time. Maybe he wouldn’t be as judgemental as my parents.

I open my mouth only to close it again as his head dips and the energy between us shifts, becomes more electric, sexual. “Was escaping those novelists really why you sent me the safe word, Em?” he asks, his voice a soft whisper that flutters around me and teases the truth from me. I stare up at him and get the sense that a fib is not the answer he wants.

“Seeing you today. It’s just been so long, and…I miss you.” Every muscle in his body stiffens, and that’s when I wonder if messaging him was a mistake. “You were probably busy. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to drag you away from whatever it was you were doing.”

I back up, ready to run to my room and stay there until the conference is over, just to avoid running into Josh again. “Em,” he growls firmly, and snakes his hand out, tugging me to him so hard, I lose my balance in my heels and fall against him, knocking him off balance.

“Shit.” He tumbles backward and the next thing I know we both land in the pool with a splash. Again. It breaks the tension between us, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Did you do that on purpose?” He asks, slicking his hair back, as he grins at me. “Payback for knocking you in earlier?”

“Are you saying you did it on purpose earlier?”

“It was an accident, Em.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” I tease, even though I know it was an accident. I’m so not into revenge and maybe that’s why I can’t quite get the ending to my book right. I would never want to hurt Josh, even if his words gutted me and left me a broken for years. I love him too much for that.

He swipes water from his face. “So, we’re even then?”

I splash him, soaking his face again. “Now we’re even.”

