Page 2 of Hard Burn

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“My roommate,” she begins, her voice a bit broken. A snort of derision is followed by, “My best friend.” Dark lashes briefly close over big, sad blue eyes. “At least, I thought she was my best friend.”

Okay, so I don’t need to go beat up some dude. Unfortunately. That would have at least let me expel some of the energy coursing through my body like a ninety-mile an hour fast pitch. “I’m sorry,” I tell her and shift to put my back against the headboard. She mimics my position, and her thigh rubs up against mine. My arousal spikes and I momentarily curse myself. What the fuck am I doing? No way should I allow her touch to fuck with me like this. Not when she’s clearly sad. Am I that much of a selfish bastard?

“She was in bed with my boyfriend. I was out with my study group and came back early.”

Okay, I do get to beat some guy up. Things are looking up and I’m not just talking about what’s going on in my boxers.

“What’s his name and where do I find him?”

She puts her hand on my chest to stop me, and she might as well be giving me a hand job, because yeah, that’s where the heat from her fingers has travelled. I grab the blankets and pull them up, hoping to cover my fat cock before she notices it. Judging by the little gasping sound in her throat…I failed.

She swallows. “I don’t want you to go.”

Is she saying that because she doesn’t want me to hurt the guy, or does she have another reason?

Fuck, Josh, don’t go down that road.

“I…won’t go.”

She puts her head on my shoulder, and I instinctively draw her in, and lightly run my fingers through her hair to soothe her. It can’t be easy to lose a best friend and a boyfriend all in one night.

“You deserve better than those two.”

That sadness reappears and my heart squeezes tight. Tears drip from her cheek and land on my arm. “Does Liam have anything to drink in this place?” I want to help her and have no idea if drinking is the answer. I’m not good at dealing with these kinds of things. Hell, I grew up in a fishing village and a family of guys. At college, I’m surrounded by male teammates, and we don’t talk about our feelings. Tenderness is not something that comes naturally to me, I don’t think.

“I think he has something in his cabinet.” She gestures toward the corner and I ease out of the bed. I find a bottle of vodka and in his fridge discover a soda.

I hold both up. “What do you think?”

“I think it’s Friday night and I have a couple of things to drink to. Not good things, but things nonetheless.”

She climbs from the bed, and I nearly swallow my tongue as my gaze goes over her matching black bra and panties. As I stare, her cheeks turn red. “Sorry,” she apologizes. “I wasn’t expecting anyone in Liam’s bed.”

I try not to sound like I’d just eaten a frog when I respond. “Ah, where is Liam, anyway?”

“He’s staying at a friend’s tonight. I knew his room was empty, so I came here when I saw my ex best friend and ex-boyfriend shagging.”

I have no idea why, but hearing her say shagging hits me and I start laughing.

“You think that’s funny?”

I shake my head, and catch the smile forming on her face, and I’m happy I could put it there. “No, it’s just…you called it shagging. When did you become British?”

She laughs with me. “It’s this book I’m reading. It’s a comedy and they talk about shagging. I guess I just have shagging on the brain.”

I arch a brow. Do I tell her I have shagging on the brain too? Fuck no. Get your shit together dude. “Which book?”

She glances around quickly, an almost panicked look on her face, like I might spot something she doesn’t want me to spot. She relaxes. “Oh, it’s a book for one of my literature classes,” she explains. Why is she lying to me? I’m about to press but she glances at the bottle.

“Are we just going to look at it all night, or are we drinking?”

“Right.” I crack the bottle and put a generous amount in two tumblers followed by a bit of soda. I hold my glass out to hers. “What should we drink to?”

She rolls her eyes. “To figuring out who your friends really are.”

“Yes, and to a successful second year at Michigan. We won a big college tournament.”

She smiles. “I know.”

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