Page 15 of King of Nothing

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“I heard exactly what he said.” I grit my teeth and then turn back to Evangeline. I can’t let her leave, she’s my contingency plan. I will not let Rausch win, even if it means I have to play dirty. “And you’re not going anywhere.”

“You got what you paid for,” she says. “Why would I stick around?”

“Because someone as exquisite as you would most certainly work for an agency,” I explain. “Despite my reputation, paying for pussy isn’t something I have a ton of experience with. Alistair, on the other hand, is more versed in the art of hiring escorts.”

“I’m not sure that’s a compliment,” Alistair interjects.

“Any ideas which agency she’s with?”

Alistair gives Evangeline a careful once over as if there’s a price tag with the agency’s name written on it.

“There’s only a few reputable high-end places here in Vegas.”

“Give me your phone,” I demand and hold out my hand.

“What happened to yours?”

“It’s probably on its way to a landfill by now.”

“Here.” He shakes his head and hands me the phone reluctantly.

Evangeline watches as I scroll through the phone. Finding the number I need, I hit dial and hold the phone to my ear.

“Hello,” someone answers. “Yes, can you tell me if Ellen is available?” I watch as her eyes go wide, and the little pulse in her neck thrums like the beating of a hummingbird’s wings.

“Oh, that’s too bad because I personally wanted to thank her for sending over Holly—or is it Evangeline—I never know what the protocol is,” I tell the woman on the line when she says Ellen is indisposed.

Evangeline makes her way across the suite to me. The expression on her face looks like she’s ready to commit malice.

“We met in a bar last night, and she was worth every penny,” I smile.

“What did you do?” she asks in horror, trying to grab the phone away from me, but it doesn’t matter, the damage is already done.

“Consider it an insurance policy. I need a wife, and now you need the money.”

“Is that why you insisted on transferring money to my account?” she accuses.

“Do you think I’m a fucking fortune teller?” I counter back angrily, seeing how her expression changes. “Is that why you wanted so badly to just take the cash, so there wouldn’t be a trail?”

Her eyes narrow. “You’re a prick!”

“Not the first time I’ve heard that.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have come here.” She checks her purse, presumably to make sure she hasn’t left anything behind.

“Don’t forget, you need me.”

“We’ll see about that!” she shouts, visibly shaking with anger. She turns on her heel and walks back to the elevator. I feel sorry for the button as she jabs it, but better the elevator than me.

Before the doors close, I say, “I need an answer tonight.”


Pretty Girl Like You


As soon as I enter our apartment, Cleo jumps up from the couch, still wearing her sleep shorts and tank top. Her curly hair is pulled back by a headband. She looks like she’s ready for a sleepover.
