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I looked over at Alison who was giving me a questioning look. I knew I was making a fool out of myself and reached over and took my wine glass and downed the rest of the drink. Laura kicked my ankle under the table and I looked over at her to see her smiling at me. I wasn’t sure what her look meant but I knew I couldn’t look over at Cameron.

The look he had given me made me think about what it would have been like if he was the one who made me moan. If it was him that I was tasting and not the lobster. By the shocked look on his face and everyone else at the table it was not the right reaction to have.

“That is one hell of a lobster,” Laura said and reached over and took a bite. She moaned her approval too and we all laughed.

I looked over at her and gave her a reassuring smile. Leave it to my best friend to save me from my embarrassment. But as I looked over at Cameron and saw him still looking at me, I knew that I wouldn't be able to avoid other embarrassing moments with him. I was attracted to him and there was nothing I could do about it. I wasn’t sure how I would handle being around him for the next week and not make a fool out of myself and it only made me dread not be excited about the rest of the week.

Chapter 5


Did she have any idea how sexy she was, how alluring? Could she not see how much I wanted her?

Normally, I enjoyed having dinner with my sister, Laura, and Sydney. Laura had been friends with Sydney for years and as such felt like a part of the family. She came to most of the family gatherings and to all of Sydney’s school events. There had even been a few times that the four of us had gotten dinner together. I had always been close to Alison and enjoyed any time I could spend with her. I had been excited to know that the first part of our trip would be without our parents. Not that I didn’t like spending time with them but it added a different dynamic when they were around. I had thought it would be fun to catch up with the three of them and let loose.

I hadn’t thought it would be a slow torture to be around Sydney, to have her looking at me the way she was, and not be able to do a damn thing about it. She was driving me insane. She had from the moment she had shown up at the restaurant in her dress that showed off her beautiful breasts and her luscious curves that could drive even a monk insane.

There were many things I would consider myself; a monk was not one of them. It would be one thing if I thought that Sydney was doing it on purpose. If I thought she was getting back at me from teasing her with Trina earlier, but that didn’t seem to be the case. I also didn’t think that Sydney would ever do something like that. She was too kind, too sweet, and too unassuming to resort to that level.

I wanted to think that she was seducing me. If she was any other woman, it was exactly where my brain would have gone. I was sure that Sydney had no idea what she was doing or the effect it was having on me. It didn’t stop me from having the feelings or reactions I had to her or having any idea how to stop them.

After she had walked away from seeing me and Trina together, I thought she would say something to me. I thought she would make a comment about us and it would give me an opening to tell her that I wasn’t with Trina nor did I want to be. It annoyed me more than Sydney didn’t seem to care. It made me think that Alison was trying to get me to see things that weren’t there.

We finished the meal and I resisted the urge to take some of Sydney’s pasta like I said I would. I had wanted to tease her with it, to see what she would say. I wanted to flirt with her but when my first two attempts had fallen flat, I decided not to push it. The woman could get more excited about the lobster that I gave her then she ever could with me. Whatever I thought we might have had wouldn't happen and when I got Alison alone, I was going to give her a piece of my mind.

The meal was lovely as always, and I enjoyed Alison and Laura’s company. They kept trying to come up with ideas of things they wanted to do while they were there but everything that Laura came up with, Alison vetoed.

“The crocodiles aren’t that big and I hear they are very friendly,” Laura said.

“There are no crocodiles in Cancun,” Alison said.

“Yes, there are,” Laura countered.

“There can’t be any that we can pet and feed.”

“Probably not, but how fun would that be to do?” Laura asked.

“Yeah, no. Never going to happen. Don’t you agree with me, Sydney?” Alison asked.

“What? Sorry. I wasn’t listening,” Sydney said.

She had been distracted through most of the evening and hadn’t engaged in much of the conversation. She looked a little pale and I was worried she was coming down with something or had too much sun. I wasn’t the only one who saw it as Laura asked, “Are you okay, honey?”

“Just a little tired, I guess. Too much drinking by the pool. I think I’m going to call it a night,” Sydney said.

“Do you want me to take you back to your room?” I asked.

Sydney shook her head at me and gave a half-hearted smile. I didn’t think she would, she was too stubborn and independent to ever ask anyone for help. She certainly would never ask me, but I had hoped she might. I wanted to be alone with her, I wanted to talk to her, ask her what she was thinking or feeling. It would have to wait until another time.

“I’m sorry to be such a party pooper,” Sydney said and stood up.

I stood up and reached over to pull her chair out. She smiled her thanks but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Have fun at the bar and the magic show,” she said as she looked at Laura and Alison.

“Are you sure you don’t want company? I can come with you, make sure you’re okay,” Laura offered.

“No. You always love the magic show. I don’t want you to miss it,” Sydney said.

“There will be another one,” Laura offered.
