Page 54 of Game Master

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“I was thinking right there,” she said decisively. “That way, we can see the sunrise in the morning.”

Callan pulled her in close again, his arms encircling her waist.

“I like the way you think,” he said, smiling down at her tenderly. Roseline reached up and drew his face toward hers for a long, loving kiss.

Vivid memories of their passionate encounters on that piece of furniture in Callan’s old apartment motivated her hasty decision. This room with the cheery morning light would be their own intimate sanctuary, where the stresses and darkness of the outside world would not be able to intrude. Just the two of them together.

After exploring the apartment for a little while longer, they returned to the living room to find several more boxes had been deposited. Callan started opening them up and unpacking the contents despite Roseline’s reminders that he should still be taking it easy.

“I’m feeling good today; don’t worry so much,” he said breezily, lifting a heavy lamp out of one box. But as he straightened up, Roseline noticed him strain a little under the weight.

She rushed over worriedly. “Here, let me get that,” she offered, taking the lamp from his hands and setting it aside.

Callan let out an exaggerated huff, though his eyes glinted with amusement. “I’m almost as good as new thanks to the care of my brilliant nurse,” he said, giving her a roguish grin.

Roseline smiled in return, but his words sent a prickle of lingering fear through her. The truth was, she had come so close to losing him that day he took that bullet intended for her.

If the shot had been just inches lower…

Roseline forced the terrible thought from her mind. What mattered was that he was here now, on the mend, and she would continue to watch over his recovery every step of the way.

They spent the next hour unpacking kitchen items together, reminiscing lightheartedly about memories from when they first met.

“I have to admit, when I found out you were joining the team, I dreaded working with you,” Roseline mused, opening a box of plates. “I thought you were just another cocky hotshot they were bringing in.”

Callan feigned a wounded look. “Ouch! And here I thought I made a strong first impression with my charm and dazzling good looks.”

Roseline laughed. “Let’s just say you had to work to break through my prickly exterior. But you thoroughly charmed me in the end.”

He chuckled.

She smiled, marveling over how this man, whom she had initially dismissed, had become her greatest source of joy and comfort. Fate certainly worked in mysterious ways sometimes.

Unpacking continued late into the afternoon. Exhausted but satisfied with their progress, Roseline ordered some takeout for dinner so they could relax. While waiting for the food to arrive, they lay a blanket out in the living room amid the haphazard boxes and piles of stuff that now filled their new home.

Stretched out comfortably, Roseline closed her eyes for a moment, thinking how nice it would be later to christen their new place properly. When she opened them again, it was to find Callan gazing down at her with an intent, serious expression.

“What is it?” she asked.

He didn’t reply right away but reached into his pocket and pulled something out, clasping it in his hand. Roseline looked at him curiously.

Taking a deep breath, Callan took her hand in his and met her gaze. “These last few months have been the happiest I’ve ever known,” he began solemnly. “You’ve shown me what it is to truly love and be loved in return. I honestly can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you.”

As he spoke, he opened his hand to reveal a dazzling diamond ring. Roseline’s eyes went wide, and her heart began to pound wildly.

“Roseline, will you make me the luckiest man in the world by agreeing to be my wife?” Callan asked, his voice thick with emotion.

Happy tears filled Roseline’s eyes, and she was unable to speak for a long moment. She had never imagined that after the painful betrayals and loss of her past, someone could come into her life and restore her faith in love so completely. But Callan had proven that dreams could come true, even amid the darkest of storms. Being with him felt like coming home.

“Yes!” she managed to choke out. “Of course, I’ll marry you!”

Callan’s face lit up with joy. He slid the ring onto her finger, a perfect fit, and kissed her deeply. Roseline returned the kiss ardently, all the love and desire that had grown between them over the past year pouring out. She had never felt so utterly happy and complete.

They lay wrapped in each other’s arms for a long time, whispers of “I love you” and talk of their future filling the air. The takeout was cold and forgotten by the time they remembered it had arrived.

Tomorrow, they would share the wonderful news with their friends, but tonight was just for the two of them, cocooned in their new love nest.

Roseline nestled her head against Callan’s chest as he held her close, listening to the steady beat of his heart. No games, just taking a chance with her arms and heart open. In the bayous and on the streets of New Orleans, Roseline’s journey had shaped her. Each challenge she faced forged her into a stronger, justice-seeking force. Now, as she stood firm, her heart had learned to trust and love again, especially in Callan. Their bond, born from shared struggles, was simple yet profound, a testament to survival and the power of love in a world of mysteries.

Together, they were ready to face whatever came next, united and unbreakable.

The End

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