Page 25 of Olivia

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He blinked at her in horror, at a complete loss.

But deep inside, a possessive voice growled,Mine. As if he were glad no one had touched her but him.

What was happening to him? This girl was driving him out of his mind. But her cheeks were darkening and she looked like she was going to cry. He had to make this right.

Straightening up slowly, so as not to frighten her, he pulled her into his arms.

“I’m so sorry,” he told her softly. “I didn’t know, or I would never have begun this way.”

She relaxed a little against him.

“Let’s get you into bed, where it’s warm,” he suggested. “We don’t have to do anything else tonight. We can just get to know each other better.”

She sighed, and he could almost taste her disappointment.

Smiling to himself, he pressed his lips to the crown of her head, then led her to the bed. She crawled in, inadvertently allowing him a teasing glimpse of her swollen pink sex.

Setting his jaw, he reminded himself that her mind and body both needed to be prepared if he was going to be able to look himself in the mirror tomorrow.

He climbed in himself and pulled the soft comforter over both of them, lying on his side facing her. He wasn’t sure if he should try to hold her, but Olivia decided for him, snuggling close enough that they could whisper to each other.

“Why haven’t you made love before?” he asked her, feeling silly about the old-fashioned words, but hoping they would be more familiar to a Terran.

“It’s not customary on my planet,” she told him. “We bear our primary heir first, using the clinics to conceive. Then when we have a child, we can date and find the right person.”

“You explained that already,” he acknowledged. “I’m sorry that I didn’t put together all the implications.”

“You’ve done it before,” she said.

“Well, yes,” he told her.

“I could tell,” she whispered and then giggled in embarrassment, unable to look at him.

“I can do better,” he promised her. “When you’re ready, I’ll do everything I can to make it perfect.”

“You’re being so nice,” she said.

She said it lightly, as if it were nothing. But it struck his heart.

“I know I can be… impatient,” he said. “I’m sorry for that.”

“You didn’t go from a farm boy to a CEO by doing a lot of waiting around,” she said, shrugging.

He gazed at her in wonder. That was exactly the kind of thought that went through his own mind.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing,” he told her. “It’s just that you seem to understand me so well.”

“Well, that part’s easy,” she laughed. “Anyone could probably guess it.”

“What about you?” he asked.

“What about me what?”

“Are you ever impatient?” he asked. “Or are you always so good-natured?”

“Sometimes I’m impatient,” she said, with an inscrutable expression.
