Page 42 of Olivia

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She was teasing, playing on gender roles, without remembering that Stark wasn’t Terran. He frowned, taking his decision very seriously.

The little group that had gathered fell silent as they watched him consider the teddy bears, plastic waterblasters, and novelty sunglasses as if he were solving an intergalactic peace struggle.

“This one,” he said, at last, pointing to a small plastic pony with the same rainbow mane and tail as Olivia’s merry-go-round horse. “It will be a good souvenir.”

Olivia felt an unexpected twinge of pain in her heart, and tears prickled her eyes as she watched Stark hold out his big hands for the tiny horse.

Once we’re done here, that will be all he has left of me.

“When you’re finished at the fair, dinner will be served back at the house,” Oberon’s voice said gently.

Stark turned to her, and she was surprised to see an expression of tenderness in his eyes as well, as if he felt the same sadness she did at the finite nature of their time together. She nodded to him and he took her hand in his, leading her back to the entrance, where Myrna stood waiting for them, one hand on the halter of one of the horses.

“Did you have fun?” she asked them.

“Yes,” Olivia said, still feeling a little sad about leaving the village.

It was a simulation and she knew it, but somehow it had become real to her. A piece of her would always be standing by Stark’s side, watching the merry-go-round spin under the swirling snowflakes.

Stark helped her into the sleigh and settled in beside her, nestling her under his massive arm.

With a shiver of contentment, she relaxed into his heat and watched the twinkling lights of the countryside village slide away as the horses carried them back to the only home they would ever share together.



Olivia sighed as the horses drew the sleigh the last few feet to the house.

Their day was ending, but her heart was pounding with anticipation as she remembered what that meant. She glanced up at Stark and saw that his jaw was tight was tension. Was he angry? Or was he thinking about the same thing she was?

He lifted her into his arms the moment the sleigh stopped moving, and carried her up the stairs to the porch.

“The horses,” she managed.

But when he turned back to look, she could see that they horses and sleigh were gone, and so was the path they had followed to reach the little town.

Stark growled impatiently and strode into the house, walking right past the table, which was beautifully set with glimmering candles and covered in fragrant food.

Olivia could feel his heart thundering in his big chest, and the flex and pull of his muscles as he carriedher upstairs and placed her on the ground. She swore she couldfeelhis need in every crashing beat of his heart.

But he slowed down as soon as she stood in front of him.

“Do you want this?” he asked gently, without touching her. “Do you want to try again?”

“Yes,” she whispered, hearing the desperation in her own voice.

And she did want to try again, in spite of the pain she had felt before. She wanted him for his own sake, almost forgetting to pray to Mother Stars to let their joining be fruitful.


“Oberon, privacy mode,” Stark said, his voice a hungry rasp.

“Privacy mode confirmed,” Oberon replied softly.

Stark’s eyes locked on hers, and Olivia gazed up at him as he moved closer, stroking her cheek with his big hand before lowering it to release the slide on her dress.

The house was silent as she closed her eyes, feeling the cool air bathe her bare skin as Stark slowly and carefully removed her coverings piece by piece. She was shaking with need by the time he removed his own clothing.
