Page 73 of Dangerously In Love

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He makes a beeline over to us. In the past few months, we’ve seen each other, but the tension is always awkward. I miss the easy rapport he and I had.

“Ash,” Ava says, stepping back from my embrace and going towards her brother. “I thought you couldn’t make it.”

Asher shrugs a shoulder. “I couldn’t miss this. I cancelled a client. You’re too important and work can wait.”

Ava looks touched and grabs her big bro into a hug. “Thank you for being here—” She stops when the store employee motions her over to begin the signing. “I’m needed, but as soon as I’m done, maybe the three of us can go out for dinner?”

“I’d love that,” Asher says and kisses Ava on the cheek. Then he releases her to head over to the table to begin signing for eager fans.

We’re left alone and, uncharacteristically, neither of us knows how to act without Ava here as a buffer.



We both start talking at the same time, laughing at the other’s poor attempt at making amends.

“You and I are not used to apologizing,” Asher says.

“No, we are not,” I say honestly. Not since we were kids had we ever fought about anything.

“I’m sorry, Brandon. I’ve been a dick about you and Ava together. I don’t have any right telling either of you what to do or who you can be with.”

“I’m sorry for not saying anything. I should have just been honest,” I say. I won’t apologize for loving Ava because it wouldn’t be the truth.

“So, we’re good? Please say yes. I can’t keep watching Yankee games with Madison and having to explain what’s going on every few minutes.”

I laugh and clap him on the shoulder. “We’re good. Watching the games by myself is not cutting it either.”

Asher and I fall into easy conversation, just like old times, while Ava finishes up. When the last person in line gets her signature and a selfie with Ava, she heads over to her brother and me.

“You too look like your old selves,” she says with a hopeful expression.

“We are,” Asher answers. “Before we go, I’ve had my eye on that 100 Greatest Moments in Sports History over there. Need to buy a copy before we leave.”

Ava shakes her head. “Hurry, so we can get out of here.”

With Asher out of earshot, she looks back at me. “So, everything’s cool between you and Ash?”

“Yes,” I say. “Everything is going to be okay with us.”

“I think so too,” Ava responds, smiling up at me. “And even if things aren’t okay, at least I’ll have you to protect me.”
