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“Scottie, are you safe to drive?” he asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I laughed, the sound too high-pitched even for me. “I’ve been driving since I was sixteen. Passed the driver’s exam on the first go.”

“I know. You told me.”

Right. This was the man I’d been writing my deepest secrets and desires to. Oh my god. Some of those letters… what the hell had I been thinking? He was a stranger. Who went into as many details as I did to another man about his sex life? A stranger at that. A stranger in prison.

No, it couldn’t be that bad.

I tried to convince myself. I had to, or I could never see him ever again. I unlocked the car and jumped inside. Griff caught the door before I could close it.

“We should—”

“I’ll let you know when I tell Jay!” I said. “But I really should go, Griff. Good night.”

He sighed and nodded. “Fine. Good night. Drive—”

I pulled the door shut and buckled my seat belt while I put the car in Drive. I pressed on the gas, and the car shot backward. Right into the wall with a loud crash. My body hurtled forward, but the seat belt kept me in place.

The rear windshield shattered, littering the back seat with glass. Trembling, I put the car into Park. The door was flung open from the other side, and Griff poked his head in.

“Scott! Are you hurt?” He leaned forward and unbuckled my seat belt.

“I-I’m fine.” Shaken up at how stupid I’d been, but fine. “I’m okay.”

Griff helped me out of the car. A few people had wandered out of the bar but didn’t seem particularly interested. Just the world’s biggest idiot ramming his new car into a wall. Nothing new to see.

“What the hell happened?” Griff growled.

I took a step back. My noodles—because calling them legs would be misleading—wobbled, and I almost went down. Griff caught me. Yet again.

Ugh, I wasn’t a damsel in distress.

I straightened my spine and locked my knees. “It was a stupid mistake.” I looked at the disaster of my car. “I’m so stupid.”

“Stop that. You’re not.” He brushed a lock of hair from my forehead. Why did he make it seem so natural? He should stop doing that too. He just made me want to cling to him like a koala and bawl for wrecking my car. It wasn’t even a month old yet. “I know you made the dean’s list in college and graduated top of your class for your finance degree.”

I scoffed.

“You made a mistake, that’s all. We all do.”

But not as many as the ones I did tonight. “I need to call someone.”

“Do you have AAA?”

Yes, that’s who I should call.

I nodded.

“Let me take care of it.”

“I can handle it myself.”

“Scottie, you've just been in an accident. You might not have been hurt, but you must be pretty shaken up.” He took me by the shoulder and walked me away from the car to a low wall that ran the perimeter of the property. “Sit right here and let me take care of everything.”

He made it sound so easy. I sat and wrapped my arms around my legs.

“Are you cold?” he asked. “You can have my jacket?”
