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“I already have one on.”

“You still look cold. You’re so skinny that a strong wind might blow you away.” He shrugged off his jacket and draped it over my shoulder.

“How much does this weigh?” I mused. “One pound? Will that stop the wind from blowing me away?”

Griff chuckled. “Feisty. I like that. Keep it up, and I’ll know you’re okay. Now stop distracting me with your sass, and let me handle your business.”

I handed him my phone with the number, and he walked toward the car with the device pressed to his ear. Too bad the business I’d wanted him to take care of earlier was me.

He got my papers out of the car, and when he returned to my side, he gave me the phone back. “They’re sending someone out. Should be here in ten. Let’s at least wait inside the bar. It’s warmer.”

I nodded and followed him inside, where we found a table close to the door.

“Why are you so nervous?” Griff asked. “It’s just me, Scottie.”

I rubbed a hand at the side of my neck and glanced away. This was the Scottie he had to accept. Not the brave, daring guy I’d pretended to be in our letters. This Scottie took time to make decisions and always weighed the pros and the cons before doing anything important.

Like kissing my best friend’s father.

That had con written all over it.

“I should let Jay know what happened.” I unlocked my phone and pulled up Jay’s number. I typed in a few quick lines of explanation and sent the message. When I locked my phone and turned to Griff, he was frowning. He looked… distant and withdrawn.

“Something wrong?” I asked.

Regretting the kiss?

He shook his head but didn’t expound. He kept glancing at the door like he wanted to go. Was he only sticking around to help me because of what I’d done for him in prison?

Was that the real reason he’d kissed me? To make me not feel bad for misinterpreting the movement of his head earlier?

“You can go, you know. I’ll handle everything when they get here.”

“I can’t do that. Not after all you’ve done for me. And I’m sure Jay would want me to look out for you. I didn’t get a chance to do that with him, but I can do this instead.”

“Oh.” He was only doing this because Jay was my friend. Yeah, that didn’t make me feel better at all.

My phone vibrated, and I answered it. The AAA guys were here. Griff raised his eyebrows, and I nodded. Why was it so easy to understand him? When it didn’t have to do with my misplaced desire.

We exited the bar to meet the tow truck. I mostly hung in the background while Griff handled things. He just took control without even asking. Not that I was complaining. In fact, I liked it a little too much.

I’d never known what he looked like before. Jay didn’t have any pictures of him lying around. Writing letters to him every month had been exciting. I might have even had a silly crush on the man I’d thought him to be based on our conversations, but this—I would never have expected this hot-as-sin older man who kissed like a god.

“All right, that’s taken care of.” Griff and I watched the tow truck haul away my car. A little whimper left me. I needed my car to get to work.

“I’d better call an Uber,” I said.

“What for? I’ll give you a ride.”

I waved my hand. “I couldn’t. You’ve already done so much.”

“You know things would be easier if I just pick you up and—”

“Don’t you dare! I’m not a child.”

He swept his gaze from my head to toe and back up. “I can see that.”

What was that supposed to mean now? I swallowed hard. Our kiss from earlier and the way it’d made me feel, swirled in my head.
