Page 134 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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“Yeah, but take it in stages. This is going to take a while to get used to.”

“But it’s not so bad, is it?”

“Not really. Just the thought of calling you dad makes me break out in hives, Scott.”

I glared at him. “You would be lucky to have a dad like me! Tell him, Griff.”

“Far luckier than to have the one you ended up with,” he said tightly. He put his fork down. “We should talk about it, don’t you think?”

“What’s the sense?” Jay asked. “You’ve already said you’re sorry and that you have changed. After what happened earlier, I…finally believe you. And I can see you care about Scott.”

Griff tried to feed me some more pancakes, but I turned my head. “I’m not eating another bite until one of you explains.” Jay mimed zipping his lips shut. I leveled my gaze at Griff. “Well?”

He sighed and took my hand. “Do you remember what you were saying last night in your sleep when I came home?”

I stiffened. “What?”

“You mentioned David.”


“Yes.” He took my hand in his. “I figured out he was the reason you were so distant with me.”

I pointed at Jay. “You told him, didn’t you?”

“Only because he’d pretty much guessed it already, Scott.”

“Oh my god. I didn’t want you to know.”

“But I’m glad that I do. That son of a bitch needed to know he shouldn’t fuck with you. He won’t bother you again after this morning. I can guarantee you that.”

A chill snaked up my spine, wrapping its icy tentacles around my heart. My gaze darted between them, taking in the implications of Griff’s words. Fear for him and his freedom weighed heavily on me. “Griff, what did you do?”

“I paid him a visit.”

Oh god. I was going to be sick. I scrambled to my feet, but before I could take a step, Griff had pulled me into his arms, his hands like a vise around me that wouldn’t let me go.

“This is why I didn’t want you to know.” I sobbed. “I was so afraid you would confront him and-and—”

“Scottie, calm down. I didn’t do anything.”

I raised my head. “You…didn’t?”

“He didn’t,” Jay said. “I went with him to ensure he didn’t get himself in trouble.”

“But I made it quite clear to him that if he comes close to you again…well, you catch my drift.”

“You threatened him?” I squeaked.

“I made him a promise.”

I groaned and pressed my face to Griff’s chest. A threat wasn’t much compared to what I’d feared he would do. But still… “What if he reports it?”

“He’d be a fool to.”

“Are you sure?”

Griff brushed his fingers through my hair. “Scott.” He cupped my chin. “I don’t like you hiding your pain from me. Yeah, you might have had good intentions, but you almost made me misunderstand you. Remember how hurt I was when I first thought you’d cheated on me?”
