Page 135 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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“But you believed me when I said I didn’t.”

“At first, I didn’t. From now on, whatever happens, you gotta promise me you’ll come to me, and we’ll talk about it, sweetheart.”

“Uh, I’m going to throw up.” Jay rose to his feet. “Where’s the bathroom?”

Griff pointed in the direction. “Second door to your right.”

“Please be done with this when I get back.”

When we were alone, I wrapped my arms around Griff’s neck. “Are you saying I should’ve had more faith in you?”

“Honestly?” He dropped his hand to my ass and squeezed. “You were right not to trust me. I would’ve ended him if Jay hadn’t been there to stop me. You’re my hot button, Scottie. Anyone hurts you, and I’m obliged to do the same to them.”

“But the law will handle it. We already have a restraining order in progress, and later I’m going to the police station to press charges. Do you…want to go with me?”

“Of course. I’m glad you’re pressing charges. We all have to pay for the wrongs we have done. He shouldn’t be an exception.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry I made you worry, Griff.”

“I’m just glad we’re okay.” Griff lowered his head and kissed me, a soft brush of his lips, warm and comforting. Closing my eyes, I kissed him harder, and he groaned into my mouth. In a second, he had me on his lap, straddling him while his tongue did wicked things to my insides, and his hands roved over my ass.

“You gotta be kidding me,” Jay said. “Break it up, will you?”

“Hush,” Griff growled at his son. “Or I’ll have to tell Scottie I might not have touched David, but you punched him.”

I gasped. “Jay, you didn’t!”

“Hey, keep his mouth busy, will you?” Jay said. “I’ll grab a cab to take me home.”

“Take my truck.” Griff removed the key from his pocket and threw it at him. “We’ll pick it up after we go to the police station.”

“All right. Umm, maybe we can go to dinner later? All three of us?”

“Sounds good to me,” Griff said, his voice sounding neutral, but him squeezing me told me how much Jay’s words meant to him.

“See you then.”

When the front door closed, Scottie grinned. “Griff, he’s forgiven you.”

“I hope so. We haven’t talked about it yet, but I think we’ve found a common ground. You.”


“Yes. We both care about you, Scottie, but we still have a long way to go.”

I kissed his chin. “You’ll be fine. I’m sure of it.”

“And so will you.” He turned serious. “Believe me when I tell you I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. Do you believe me?”

I swallowed, my heart pounding against my ribcage at the intensity of his gaze. He meant it. Every word. I hadn’t fallen in love with an ordinary man. I was in love with an ex-convict who might be reformed but still had the instinct of someone willing to go to the extreme for the person he loved.

And I wouldn’t have him any other way.

“Yes,” I whispered. “I believe you.”


