Page 138 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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A strangled cry escaped me as my climax hit me with a force that left me shaking and breathless.

The water was still cascading around me, washing over every inch of my trembling body, but all I could focus on was the blank screen. The call had ended.

“Griff.” I dried my hands on the towel and rang him back, but the call went straight to voice mail. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

He’ll be home soon. Just be patient.

“Jay, thank god!” I threw my arms around him in a tight hug.

“Yes, yes, I know I’m the answer to your prayers,” he tugged a lock of my hair. “Now what do you need help with?”

I released him and stepped back to usher him and Savannah into the house. “I thought you were meeting us at the school. What are you doing here?”

“Griff asked me to stop by to see if you need help getting the kids ready. Seriously, Scottie, you and Griff are the ones who decided to have three kids.”

“And you love every one of your siblings,” I pinched his cheeks.

He grinned. “Yeah, yeah, I do. So what do you want me to do?”

With three pairs of adult hands, I was able to keep the hair I hadn’t ripped out that morning trying to get the kids ready for the school recital. Savannah and I took a girl each and Jay got our toddler ready. The girls weren’t exactly on their best behavior, but I cut them some slack knowing they were acting up because they missed their Papa.

Eventually we got each child strapped down in the soccer-mom car Griff had bought me for my birthday. It was a lifesaver with enough room for each child to fit comfortably. We made it to the school’s gymnatorium where they held the recitals each year. I brought the girls backstage where they clung to me instead of going to their teacher.

“What’s wrong?” I cupped their tiny faces.

“We want Papa,” Charlotte said, her big eyes filling with tears.

“I know you do, sweetie, but Papa’s flight got delayed.”

“But how will he see me dance?”

I pointed at the camera around my neck. I’d never been one for snapping photos until I had kids. Now I didn’t waste an opportunity to take a shot of the girls to go into their albums.

“See this? I’ll capture the whole thing on video for Papa and then we can all watch it together as a family. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

They eyed each other first then nodded.

“Good.” I kissed their foreheads. “Go break a leg.”

“Daddy, that’s mean.” Harper pouted, her brow knitting.

I chuckled. “It’s a good thing in show biz. I don’t mean literally break a leg. Just have fun and remember it’s okay to mess up. Just keep going.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“I love you both. Now go.”

I snapped a picture of them running off to join their teacher, my heart swelling with pride. I blinked back tears and slipped out from backstage to find my seat. Jay had Leo on his lap, sucking on a lollipop. The minute my son saw me, he held out his hands.

“The candy was to bribe you to stay with me, traitor,” Jay grumbled as he handed me the baby. Leo laughed and stood on my lap, his wriggling butt in my face. “On second thought, you can keep him.”

“Leo, honey, have a seat.” He plopped down into my lap. I thrust the camera at Jay. “Don’t miss a single minute of their performance.”

“I thought Griff was viewing the livestream.”

“Still, we want to watch it together as a family later.”

“You’re such a simp.” He chuckled but took the camera from me.
