Page 139 of The Nerd & the Ex-Con

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I stuck my tongue out at Jay. Leo removed the lollipop to do the same to Jay.

“Nice,” Jay said. “Teaching the kid your bad habits. I, for one, am shocked at you.”

“Jay, leave Scottie alone,” Savannah said, and I mouthed thanks to her. I loved her. She made Jay happier and softer, and I happened to know he would propose to her next week.

“Hey, we’re here.”

I burst into a smile as Jarrod and his husband, Tyler, slipped into the row with us. “You came!”

“Wouldn’t miss our stars in the making.” Of course he wouldn’t. Tyler’s little niece, whom they had adopted, was also in the play. “I’m sorry about Griff.”

I tried not to show my disappointment that my husband was the only one not there. “It’s okay. There will be other recitals.”

The curtains on the stage parted and the teacher appeared, thanking everyone for showing up and giving instructions to ensure the recital wasn’t disrupted. Then they introduced the students one by one until they all filled the stage. Leo clapped his tiny hands and bounced with excitement when I showed him his sisters. If I didn’t have a strong grip on him, he would have run off to the stage.

Jay had the camera out, recording everything as the girls waved alongside the rest of the students. If only Griff could have been here.



The girls’ shriek cut across the auditorium. Their waves became more vigorous and they were bouncing on the soles of their feet. What the...?

“This seat taken?”

Griff. I blinked several times, trying to figure out if he was real.

“Papa!” Leo climbed out of my lap and launched himself at Griff who caught him midair. He kissed the little boy’s cheek then turned to me, a wide smile splitting his handsome face. Even if it was partially covered by a beard.

“Hey, sorry I’m late,” he said, taking the seat next to me.

“” I stammered, taking in his slightly sweat-slicked hair and the flushed look on his face. He looked exhausted, but happy.

“I rented a car and decided to drive.”

“But that’s like an eight hour drive.”

“Closer to twelve in the terrible weather.” He cupped my chin and kissed me briefly.

“Griff, that was reckless!” My eyes misted over, even as relief washed over me. My husband was home. “I’m so glad you found a way. Look how happy our children are.”

“I couldn’t miss this with my family. They come first. You come first, Scottie.”

He took my hand and squeezed it gently. I returned the pressure.

“Does this mean I no longer have to record this thing?” Jay asked.

“Keep recording,” I said, not taking my eyes off Griff. “I’m so happy.”

“Even if I look unkempt?”

I nodded. “You’re home. That’s all that matters.”

“Good. They’re about to begin. Let’s talk later.”

But the gleam in his eyes promised a lot more than just a talk. I couldn’t wait.
