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My shoulders slumped, and I nodded, giving in to the small voice that kept echoing that Griff was a good guy. Nothing at all like David.

Slowly Griff pulled out. He plucked toilet paper from the holder and wiped me up, even though I whispered to him I could do it. He helped me fix my clothes and mop up the mess we’d made. We almost finished the entire roll.

When I was presentable, I couldn’t make myself walk out of the cubicle. Now that the high was fading, the weight of what we’d done rested heavily on me.

Griff kissed my cheek. “I’ll go first and check everything’s clear.”

I clutched his shirt. “But what if someone sees you? They’ll know.”

He shrugged. “I’m not ashamed of not being able to keep my hands off you.”

Everything inside me melted. I felt guilty too that he didn’t mind the world knowing about our intimacy, while I was hiding like a coward. But I was a coward. Luckily, Griff was brave enough for both of us.

“Coast is clear,” he said through the door. “I’ll go to the table first and settle our bill.”

I slipped out of the cubicle. Griff took me by the chin and planted his lips on mine in a hard kiss that made me want to pull him back inside for round two.

No, I have to get back to work.

Griff walked out of the restroom, and I hurried over to the sink and washed up. I couldn’t get the scent of Griff and sex off me. The hand soap was scentless, so that didn’t help.

The door to the restroom opened, and two guys entered. Lucas and an intern whose name I didn’t remember. Oh, no. Had they come here instead of Murray’s?

“Scott!” Lucas said with a smile. “We were about to return to the bank. Did you just arrive?”

“Umm, not really. I’m about to leave.”

“Yeah? Did you overhear those two guys going at it?”

Oh god.

“What two guys?” I croaked.

“The restaurant’s buzzing about it.” Lucas laughed. “We think we saw one of them leave just now. You must have seen him, a tall, strapping guy with tattoos and…” Lucas raked his gaze over me, and his mouth fell open. “Scott? That was you?”

Deny it.

But the words to form the lie wouldn’t come out. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. Of course it was me. My hair was disheveled, my tie crooked, and my shirt crumpled. My lips were puffy from Griff’s kisses.

“I really should go.”

“Scott, wait—!”

I hurried out of the restroom and headed straight for Griff, who was waiting for me, frowning.

Oh god, I could feel the eyes on me. They all knew what we’d done.

“I was beginning to worry,” Griff said. “Everything okay?”

“Let’s go.”

Away from this embarrassment.

“Hold on. I ordered you a slice of white chocolate raspberry cheesecake to take back with you. That’s your favorite, right?”

He’d ordered me my favorite dessert? He must have known people were gossiping about us, but he didn’t seem to care. All he was interested in was giving me the cake I liked. Why the heck was I embarrassed about us?

“Yes, it is.” I relaxed my shoulders. Griff wasn’t like David. He wouldn’t turn on me later and treat me horribly for letting him nail me in a public restroom. “Thank you.”
