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Scottie appearing at my door for our date night was the highlight of my day. I’d already seen him today. We’d fucked in the bathroom stall of the restaurant, but when I opened the door to let him in, all I could think about was tasting the lip gloss he was wearing.

“I brought wine!” He thrust a dark bottle toward me. I took it with one hand and, with the other, hauled him up against me.

Over his head, I caught the pizza-stealing neighbor peeking through a crack in his door. Nosy bastard. I kicked the door shut, and Scottie jumped.

“Sorry,” I said. “Just blocking out the distraction. Nervous?”

“A little.”

“Kiss me.” Instead of taking his lips like I wanted to, I needed him to get used to touching me whenever he wanted.

He pushed his glasses up his nose. “Kiss you?”


“Umm, okay, but I may not be as good at it as—”

“Scottie, you kiss just fine. I’m sure once your lips touch mine, I’m gonna have to fight myself not to fuck you right here against the door.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he moaned a little. “Well, I wouldn’t, umm, stop you.”

I chuckled. “But I made dinner.”

He licked his lips. “I’m not hungry. For food.”

“Scottie, you’re stalling.”

“Okay.” He shuffled closer, biting his lip as though in deep concentration. “Here I go.” He slowly placed his hands on my chest. Through the thin layer of the material of my T-shirt, I felt the gentle pressure of his hands sliding up my chest to rest on my shoulders.

“I’m going to kiss you now, Griff.” He pushed up on his toes. I dipped my head, and he slanted his lips over mine. His timid attempt turned insistent as he thrust his tongue into my mouth.

I groaned, tightened my hand on his hip, and used every trick in the book to restrain myself from carrying out the scene unfolding in my head. Scottie against the door with his skinny legs over my arms while I plunged my cock into that sweet body of his that was driving me crazy.

Cupping the back of Scottie’s head, I fed him my tongue, brushing past the rubber bands attached to his braces. A shudder ran through him, and his chest rose and fell rapidly. We were a second away from getting naked. Hell, we didn’t even need complete nudity. I just needed his jeans and underwear down his ass and my shorts pulled down.

No, tonight wasn’t just about sex. I wanted to get to know Scottie.

I licked inside his mouth once, then pulled back. Scottie slowly opened his eyes and blinked as if his glasses weren’t working anymore.

“Wow, that was some kiss,” he said.

“It was.” For the hell of it, I placed another quick kiss on his lips. “You said you weren’t hungry. Was that true, or were you just trying to get happy on my dick?”

Scottie dropped his hands from my shoulders and stepped back. He was smiling. “I hoped.”

I took his arm and led him to the kitchen. “The restaurant restroom wasn’t enough for you?” I teased.

“Will I be too greedy if I say no?”

I chuckled. I placed the bottle of wine in the fridge to cool. “That’s the sort of greed I can work with.”

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “Oh, that smells good. Did you order in?”

“I cooked.”
